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Las Solex

Las Solex

About Me

Viernes 22 de octubre de 1993, milagro en el Templo del Gato. Los Meanies resplandecen en el escenario segando a Balma, Eva y Olaf. Abducidas, las 3 amigas forman las Solex. El Patrullero Mancuso presta su local de ensayo y Tele (Triana) graba su primer single en 1995 con Dave de cantante. El trío emprende un largo camino al margen de las modas y del virtuosismo. En 1998 incorporan a su sonido los recién inventados doorags de Olaf y graban el segundo EP. Animados por las fabulosas ventas de sus vinilos, se atreven con un 10 pulgadas “Canciones robadas” en 2000. Juan incorpora su trompeta. Serán las ultimas grabaciones con formación clásica. Hartas de los dogmas rítmicos del punk-rock talibán, las Solex jubilan los parches y el bajo. Desde, solo guitarras y trompeta. Adiós al punk minimal progresivo, hola folk-core. En 2004 publican el LP “3x4” y en 2005 triunfan en los festivales de Benicassim y Primavera Sound. Ahora sacan su añorado disco en directo, esperan poder tocar con su tocaya amiga de Amsterdam “Solex”, comparten pitillos y acordes caseros. ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------- October 22nd, 1993, it’s Friday night and a miracle happens at the Templo del Gato in Madrid. The Meanies glow at the stage taking in Balma, Eva and Olaf. Bewitched, the 3 friends go on and form Las Solex. The Patrullero Mancuso friend band lends the rehearsal room and Tele from Triana band helps recording their first single in 1995 with Dave on vocals. The threesome embarks on a winding track away from trends and virtuousness. In 1998 the recently invented doorags by Olaf are added to their sound and they record the second EP. Encouraged by the fabulous sales of their vinyl’s, in 2000 they dare with a 10”, “Canciones robadas” (Stolen songs). New member Juan on trumpet. Those will be their last recordings with a classic line-up. Fed up with rhythm dogmas of taliban punk-rock, the Solex get rid of drums and bass. Since then it’s just guitars and trumpet. Goodbye progressive minimal punk, hello folk-core. In 2004 they release the “3x4” LP taking the 2005 Benicassim and Primavera Sound summer festivals by storm. Now it’s time for their long awaited Live, they hope to share stage one day with their namesake Dutch friend-band, “Solex”. Keep on sharing cigarettes and home-made chords.

My Interests


Member Since: 11/27/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Balma (guitar, voice) Eva (guitar, voices, drumsnomore) Olaf (guitar, doorags) Juan (trumpet, trombone)
Influences: Count Five, Quix'o'Tic, Meanies, Kleenex, Patrullero Mancuso, Parálisis Permanente

Sounds Like: A Solex motorcycle without exhaust pipe ------------------- Una bici Solex sin tubo de escape
Record Label: Alehop!
Type of Label: None