Member Since: 4/13/2005
Band Website:
"This Is How I Love You" is Finished and Posted!
"You Fool" is Finished and Posted!
Tom S.
Music Engineer
Thank you to -
My biggest fan, supporter, and finance Ivy for always pushing me to chase my dream no matter what life throws at us.
Austin for showing me how to make music in the first place and being the best friend a guy could have.
Mike J.
and Mike T. of AdR and Dust is Noise for your constant support and feedback.
Tamara J. aka Dj Plastic Disease/Dj Disco Bomb for all your design work for (LSDJ) never asking for anything in return.
Randy of The Basement Studios for always pushing me to the next level.
Aslyum Nightclub for giving me a home away from home
Brandon for all your hard work, input, and for having an open mind in helping LSDJ grow as a project
and to -
Everyone else who takes a couple minutes out of your day to listen to the music I make.
VNV Nation
Necessary Response
Nine Inch Nails
The guys of
Alter Der Ruine and
Dust is Noise
Paul Van Dyk
Global Deejays
Sounds Like:Where it all started for LSDJ was this blessed machine..
The Roland MC 505
Proud Member of the Asylum Nightclub Crew
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Type of Label: None