DJ Vicious Ballz profile picture

DJ Vicious Ballz

About Me

Hey Yo, what's up. If you didn't already know, it's da DJ Vicious Ballz comin to ya live and in effect. Check out the new videos, and keep posted on the up and coming mixtapes. Still waitin... They're comin', trust me bitchez!

All Songs by North Side Mafia Productionz are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License .In The Studio With CREEP LO... Drop it Off and NSM Bitches!Check out The Keen One - I've done some remixes for her...
CLICK HERE!She's on B Real of Cypress Hill's Audio Hustlaz Label...

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My Interests


Member Since: 27/11/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:

Big ChrisMy mixtapes contain all different sorts of artists. I use random Acapellas I find all over the internet. Some I've downloaded, some I've cut from Vinyl, some I have on CDs.IF YOU HAVE ACAPELLAS, HIT ME UP. I'LL MAKE A KILLER REMIX. I'M THE REMIX DJ!!

Influences: This is where I work. My brain is here most of the time...

Sounds Like: We sound like us... NSM...If anything, I would say I like the sound of three6mafia, and I like the electronic style of Rock like Linkin Park. One of my favorite kinds of music is anything with acoustic guitar. I love the sound of acoustic, it's so raw... I love mixing Genres of music to please different groups of people. I guess I would say that I lean a little more towards the Down South Crunk style though.
Jordan and Ricky (Amazing)
Record Label: M-Dub Recordings
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Hey yo what up everybody.  Check out the new remixes, tracks, and beats.  Dat's right, I got all that shit yo.  Hit me up.  Listen to the songs.  Tell me what you think. ...
Posted by on Mon, 12 May 2008 16:20:00 GMT