About Me
Welcome to Carson Student Movement (CSM)!
Organizational Purpose: CSM is a volunteer youth group that seeks to creatively address individual, family, and environmental risk and protective factors dealing with substance abuse in Carson High and the community. Members are trained as substance abuse Youth Advocates who plan and develop prevention projects against alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs addiction and abuse with the focus on alcohol and marijuana. CSM also seeks to bring collaborations, community service, and advocacy in addressing community problems.
All CSM events and activities shall be alcohol, tobacco, and drug free.
Article 2: All Students can join CSM. There are two memberships drive (fall and spring) during the school year in which recruits are to fill out membership forms and participate in Recruitment Day activities. New members are to be selected by current members of CSM based but not limited to their answers to the membership application form, active participation, outgoingness, openness, personality, and group discussion input during the recruitment day. All recuits will be notified via mail of their membership status in teh group after recruitment. Members are to fill up CSM mandatory forms that include rules for participation and termination.
CSM Membership Duties and Responsibilities:
1. All Members of CSM must actively participate in meetings, campaign planning, goal setting, training activities, events, community service, and social events planned throughout the year.
2. It is the responsibility of all members to attend CSM meetings and events alcohol and drug free.
3. It is also the duty of all members to make CSM meetings and events a safe space for personal expresions, discussions, exploration, and growth.
4. All campaign, activities, and events shall be initiated, planned and implemented by membership.
5. It is the conscious duty and responsibility of CSM members to inform and suggest ideas, thoughts, and solutions during meetings, brainstorming, and discussions.
Article 3: CSM Organizational Structure: CSM values the leadership, guidance, talents, skills, ideas and participation of all its members. In order to participate and promote these values, CSM works in a democratic and cooperative group process with the help of Committee Chairs. Co-chairs can be assigned accordingly as needed by CSM members.
1.)Campaign/Advocacy Committee Chairperson: (CAC Chair)
This chairperson is responsible for coordinating the Campaign/Advocacy Committee. This chair's duty is to insure the successful implementation o fhte CSM mission and goal of reducing alcohol, tobacco, and drup addiction through various creative and fun ATOD prevention campaign events. They are to coordinate and report all activities with CSM members.2.) Membership/Social Events Committee Chairperson: (MSEC Chair)
This chairperson is responsible for coordinating the Membership/Social Events Committee. This chair's duty is to insure the successful implementation of spreading interaction between CSM members in and outside CSM activities and improving CSM member relationships by planning social, trainings, bonding and other teambuilding activities and events. This chair is responsible coordinating the successful planning and implementation of two recruitment day events: one in fall and another in spring. They are to coordinate and report all activities with CSM members.
3.) Connexions Committee Chairperson: (CC Chair)
This chairperson is responsible for coordinating the Connexions Committee. The chairs responsibility is to insure the planning, coordinating, and implementation of the annual Connexions ATOD prevention youth cultural expression events.
4.) Community and Student Relations Committee Chairperson: (CSRC Chair)
This chairperson is responsible for coordinating the Community and the Student Relations Committee. This chair's duty is to insure that appointed community and student group liaison, representatives, and point persons are actively representing CSM. This chair is in charge of attending meetings and events as needed or in case the appointed representative could not attend. They are to coordinate and report all activities with CSM members.
5.) CSM S.T.E.P. Committee: (Strength, Togetherness, Expressions, Power of the youth)
This committee is made up of all committee chairs and the CSM facilitator in order to ease the organizational coordination and implementation of CSM advocacy campaigns, community service, trainings, events and activities. All decisions in this committee must be discussed and approved by membership. They are to report all activities to CSM members.
Article 4:
Dues: There are no dues for joining CSM. CSM is a program of the Asian American Drug Abuse Program, Inc. though the Heart Office.
Article 5:
To amend the constitution a 2/3 vote must be made. All current members are eligible to vote.
Article 6:
CSM meetings are held on Tuesday's at 3:00pm and 1:30pm during shortened days in Mrs. Weir's Room H-4. Committee members shall determine committee meeting time and days.
Article 7:
CSM Committee Chairs are selected by CSM members based on but not limited to the following factors: their schedule of availability, their participation, skills, talents, understanding of alcohol, tobacco and other drup prevention, length or membership, and goals for CSM.
Article 8:
Standing Committees: In order to have a democratic process, input, and dialogue in all CSM efforts, goals, events, and activities, CSM is organized through committee systems.
1.) CSM S.T.E.P. Committee: (Strength, Togetherness, Expressions, Power of the youth)
This committee is made up of all the committee chairs and CSM facilitator in order to ease the organizational coordination and implementation of CSM advocacy campaigns, community service, trainings, events and activities. All decisions in this committee must be discussed and approved by membership. This committee shall insre that CSM is visible and promoted throughout Carson High and the City of Carson by developing informational materials, tabling, passing out flyers, making presentations, and handing out ATOD information materials.
2.) Campaign Advocacy Committee:
This committee seeks to coordinate and strategize the succss of the CSM mission and goal of reducing alcohol, tobacco, and drug addiction through various creative and fun ATOD prevention campaign is visible and promoted throughout Carson High and the City of Carson by developing informational matierals, tabling, passing out flyers, making presentations, and handling out ATOD information materials.
3.) Membership/Social Events Committee:
This committee seeks to spread interaction between CSM members in and outside CSM activities and improve CSM member relationships by planning social, training, bonding and other teambuilding activities and events that are alcohol, tobacco and drug free. This committee is responsible planning and implementing two recruitment day events: one in fall and another in spring. This committee shall insure that CSM is visible and promoted throughout Carson by developing informational materials, tabling, passing out flyers, making presentations, and handing out ATOD information materials.
4.) Connexions Committee:
This committee seeks initiate the planning and coordination of hte annual Connexions ATOD prevention youth cultural expression events. All CSM members shall be part of this committee. The goals for Connexions shall consist of but not limited to:
-Youth Cultural Expression through music, theater, cultural dances, skits, dances, movies, documentaries, spearkers, artwork, comedy, youth participation, etc. with an ATOD prevention message -Educated others that alcohol and drugs are addictive, harmful, and has consequences
-Educate others on where and how to get help because of alcohol and drug use
-Get others involve in addressing youth and community problems
This committee shall insure that Connexions is visible and promoted throughout Carson High and the City of Carson by developing informational materials, tabling, passing out flyers, making presentations, and handing out Connexions information materials.
5.)Community and Student Relations Committee:
CSM members shall appoint community and student group liaisons, representatives, and point persons accordingly and as needed. Each appointed Community and Student person are responsible in actively informing CSM membership of coalition, co-sponsorship, networking, and community service efforts. This committee shall insure that CSM is visible and promoted throughout Carson High and the City of Carson by developing informational materials, tabling, passing out flyers, making presentations, and handing out ATOD information materials.
Article 9:
1.) Mrs. Weir
2.) Heart Office: Mary Beth DiCecco
3.) AADAP,Inc. Facilitator Richard Bis
NAME: Carson Student Movement [CSM]
MEETINGS:Tuesdays in Room H4