Scuba diving, snorkling, hiking, camping, swimming, pretty much anything outdoors. I was starting to get into skydiving but after the AFF clases i went to Iraq so i need to start over. You can never forget hanging out with the friends. I also enjoy traveling.
Lawmakers who think its okay to allocate tax money to their campaigns but not healthcare
Im not huge into music i pretty much will listen to anything. Aerosmith, Blink, Matchbox 20, Maroon 5, and the Killers are just a few of my favorites.
Mallrats, Clerks, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Donnie Darko, Goonies, Karate Kid I and II, Willow, Princess Bride, Labrynth, Dark Crystal, Boondock Saints, pretty much any 80's movie especially movies with the Coreys, all the muppet movies, and the best for last Team America World Police.
I love CSI reruns, only Vegas, even though its fake, The Office, Heros, and the Ultimate Fighter to see the new up and comers.
I have read all of clive cusslers books and i also enjoy reading john grisham. Sometimes I will pick up a classic or something about military history just to expand my horizons and mix it up a bit.
Educators and Law Enforcement, their always in the spot light, always underpaid, and usually under appreciated, yet they wake up every day and do their jobs.