About Me
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Karin Carson has been a vocalist since a young age. Having studied Choral, Classical, Musical Theatre, Jazz and Performing a variety of music, her palate tempts any listener. Through the stories that she shares with her music, this connection with audiences and musicians alike, continues to blossom.....
"On one level I feel a sense of responsibility to understand and connect to the world around me. The balance to that extreme is the longing to escape. I enjoy taking time to appreciate the simple things in life. I enjoy reaching towards my goals.
"I have never claimed to be flawless or perfect. I have exposed my feelings and my humanity to people I loved, at my expense. I have challenged authority, sanity, myself, my lovers, my family, my friends and the musicians that I have worked with.
"Even as I sit here writing this, the need to be responsible…to edit, use correct grammar, spell check my sentences…to edit my thoughts and feelings, so as not to be exposed. In the end, what does it matter, what we say, what we do…..
"Then I remember that there is a time and a place for new beginnings. We are constantly on the verge of change. The things that seemed so important so many years ago, weeks ago, months or even days ago, are consumed by the wheel of life. The energy from the force crushes these thoughts back into the dirt…into the matter that consists of my memories. Somewhere lost inside the middle of a song that I will not remember, but I will feel, live, laugh, love, smell and cry for one day."
“Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you†– JESUS
If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.
Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
"I have lived my life to the best of my ability. I am one person in a sea of people, thoughts, love, death and war. We have our human flesh that keeps us constantly reminded that there is death…and our souls to be reminded that we are LIFE.
"Music is LOVE. It is a beautiful moving force that continues to push us forward as a human race and as a community of people. It binds us throughout time and space. We reconnect and feel a power that reminds us that we don’t know the whole truth. That GOD in some sense or some higher power must have made this, for it is too magical a feeling for us to think that it could be just us. That there is a source….the observer. The god inside of us….the holy spirit. Then there is us….the vehicle.
"The only connecting tissue that I can relate closely to all of these aspects is music. Mathematics, Vibration, Frequency, Light, Space & Electricity. All of these are part of the same whole that creates all matter, sound, Radio Waves….Communication as a whole….endless possibilities.
"Prior to our knowledge or basis of written music introduced by Gregorian Chants, and music of the church, the tradition was carried on Storytellers of individual communities. There is music dating back to prehistoric times. It can be traced throughout civilizations at all times. There even is a hum to the universe; An electrical charge that keeps the sun at a distance, the moon in balance and the earth rotating in our solar system. In Music and the rules that have dictated both the Classical and the Jazz world are consistent with this theme. The balance of Hot and Cold, Major and Minor, Consonance and Dissonance, Black and White, Dark and Light, High and Low, Harmonies, Melodies, over all a beauty that I find both intriguing and breathtaking.
"There is research that I am excited to read pertaining to Einstein’s theories as well as the study of Music Therapy and how it affects Brain activity and Energy. Just Imagine a form of Medicine that will and can reach beyond things such as the Mozart Effect, etc…
"I feel the need to CONNECT To feel like there is a purpose to my life. More than just recording an album or trying to have a career. Then there are bills and reality that I have to face, and in the face of it all, I want to make a difference. I want to understand the teachings of all religions, I want to travel to all parts of the continent….I want to be an example of Light and Love…..
"Now is the beginning. For me to fear the journey would be a mistake. I have to go boldly forward with my dreams. I will let things be as they are and in time, this too will pass.
Tuck & Patti - Love Is The Key - Album/Tears of Joy
"I believe that music is the one unifying voice of love in this world. I want to use my voice to reach the heart." ~Karin Carson