About Me
things i love...the fall, driving with my top down, the redsox, rhode island, my family, my boyfriend, budweiser, tulips, daydreaming, wendys at 2am, carnivals, narragansett beach, wearing pearls, tivo, boogie boarding, iced coffee, nordstroms, fried dough, being wicked blonde, dogs!, pink toes, my iphone, baking cookies, fanuiel hall, really big sunglasses, playing soccer, actually having $$, last minute adventures, whipped cream, laughing so hard it hurts, republicans, uconn basketball, sleeping the day away, skinny jeans, the icecream truck,hayrides and cornmazes, alumni weekend!, kelly ripa, bringing crystal light packets to the bar, getting snail mail that isnt bills, my friends, flipflops, target, MY JOB, my expense account, my life!