Member Since: 11/26/2006
Band Members: Scott "Skiddy" Skidmore - Vocals - DrummerJason "Lateness" Wilmoth - Vocals - DrummerJames "Chia" Watkins - Guitarist - Backup Vocals - Tech of allJohn "The Beaver" Coon - GuitaristOzzy "Oz" Kinnerson - Bassist - Guitarist - Backup Vocals
Influences: Here's the scoop from Gryphon Metal Magazine. This is what the Rev Istvan had to say about Tourne. The Link is the following:"There is no relief from head banging hell."From the dark bowels of Belington and Grafton WV a sound was formed. It grew and deepened and took shape all the while honing its musical orgy in a chaotic deathlike pandemonium. This new mass took form and was called TOURNE. For over two years they have played in an ever widening area; developing the sound that Will be heard world wide! The world will recognize, TOURNE is Here! TOURNE will come for you!
The first album from 2007, called Long Hard Road consists of eight driving multi- leveled lyrical madness and pain. Good strong vocals and a bass that is consistent and clear layered with a lead that scours the flesh from the bones. Don’t forget to steer clear of the sharp as nails drumming - there is no relief from head banging hell. Robot Society and The Seeker are my favorites.TOURNE is: Skiddy Skidmore - Lead Vocals and Drums, Chia Watkins - Guitar and backing vocals, Riffster Coon - Guitar and backing vocals, Lateness Wilmot - Drummer and vocals, and last but not least Red Bird Moore on Bass Guitar. Long Hard Road was recorded by TOURNE.A great first album from this hard working metal mammoth, which has already caught the attention of the metal world and the Metal Maiden. Stay tooned for Part 2 which will be the fiery interview from these decedent TOURNE titans of WV metal and later this year Part 3 which will be the new CD.rating: 8.5 / 10The only this is this. Red Bird Is no longer the active bass guitarist. He was a big part of the band and helped bring us were we are today. For that we are thankful for. We are still brothers and that bond will never die. He is currently training to become a Volunteer Fire Fighter and is loving every minute of it. Our Hearts goes out to him and all of the other members of this great professional field.As for our active bassist, that would be the Oz....
Sounds Like: Much Love for the WV Metal Maiden!!!!!
Type of Label: None