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My Interests

Playing my classical guitar. POOL, BILLIARDS. Manga. Drawing, painting abstract stuff on large scales. Surreal art, James Gleeson is kick arse. ummm special effects and theatre makeup. Doctor pepper..... where the hell do you find that shit now days?

I'd like to meet:

Anyone creative..drawings of manga style or anything slightly screwed up with balls and fleshy body parts hanging from the roof... stuff like that. If its print making.... or i dunno weaving... or something yeah i think thats puss... i dont care about that either. Im not saying i dont like a weaver i just think that maybe we wouldnt click... im sure weavers have some wicked wulleties. I wanna meet music makers of any kind, i have a thing for guitarists, oo yeah. and anyone or everyone who wants to play some pool..... even a weaver.


Metal mainly i guess. Opeth, Stained, Atreyu, Non point Metallica, Mudvayne. But also like evanescence, john buttler, Eric Clapton Pearl Jam Nickleback... fuck theres way too many. As if anyone cares.. . . . . you know what i hate? those fuckin divas... and that macintosh chick..... what the hell were they thinking...?


Pool hall junkies No has to be number 1. Finding Nemo Hills have eyes Jackass Final fantasy ......


Neighbours Everybody love ray Simpsons Family Guy Daria The gogs Tripping over BIG BROTHER Seinfeld


um.... im reading this cool book on cults. Its called cults. Its got stuff on Wacko at Wacko... the Moonies... all the crazy fuckers in the world. its kind of inspired me, to be some sort of leader, of a cult. A friendly cult that makes balloons for the kids instead of eating them.


James Glesson. any wicked guitarists. Judge Judy only coz she doesnt take shit from anyone. I rekon thats kick ass. My mum.