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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Legal warning to first time visitors. What follows is a lot of information about me -- Stan. It's quite lengthy, and has no photos, video or pieces of clip art to keep your attention. Be forewarned: It's all words, and it's going to require you to read. If this worries you, please leave immediately. Most likely, you wouldn't like me anyway. And, even if you did, I probably wouldn't like you. Signed, Management
Now where were we. Yes, I remember...
About me: I'm a dreamer, who, when it comes to life, dreams big. And without a doubt, you’ve never met anyone like me. So, if you’re looking for someone similar to yourself to hang out with and agree with whatever silly trends or beliefs you hold, move along. I’m not your guy.
Business wise, I want to be a millionaire. And not a penny less. Actually, I want to be a multi-millionaire. (Save me the nonsense about wanting to be rich unless you were raised as poor as me. I don't want to hear it. I want to do good things with my money, and I also believe it's wrong to not surpass whatever you're capable of surpassing -- you know, that whole use your talents thing from the Bible.)
Besides business, I love women. Truthfully, I'm practically addicted to them, but you wouldn't know it by watching me.
Let's face it, most women are crazy and one can only tolerate something that is crazy for so long. It starts out entertaining and all, but usually spins out of control. (What few women who aren't crazy that live around here are friends of mine on this page.)
The problem, you see, is that most attractive women -- the kind I like to date -- are spoiled. They're used to getting their way. They're like daddy's little girl, but they forget they're 25 or 30 now, and living on their own. And since they're hot, and they know it, and since most guys are chumps and treat them like they're angels who can't do any wrong, these women lose all since of reality, and eventually just become crazy.
Truth is, they probably have just learned to play games with guys because it makes for great talk over drinks with other girls. "Hey, would you believe Brian e-mailed me this morning, then called two different times, and then even texted me?," one especially cute one snickers. Another chimes in, "Joey just spent a couple hundred bucks on me. He bought me this bracelet and he thinks I like him, but I’m going to tell him in a day or two that I think we should just be friends."
Ha, ha, ha they all laugh with big grins. These gifts and stories of pursuit just boost their stock as they see it, and certainly their ego. Unfortunately, they have no clue how damaging this cavalier attitude is.
Well, if you're a lady, and you happen to be on this page, and you hap- pen to have met me or somehow gotten your hands on this page info, then get out your pen and paper right now if you plan on ever dating me. And if I recently met you and gave you this myspace address, it’s for two reasons: One, you’ve managed to catch my eye -- congrats, no small accomplishment. Two, I believe in efficiency and I’d rather you just read this and learn about me than waste our time -- or certainly mine -- figuring out I’m not your type.
Okay, you have that pen, right? Now, write this down: Stan is not Brian or Joey. While he is funny, and while he will flirt with you and date you until you pull a silly game on him, he will not buy you drinks at the club, tell you you're smart if you're not, or do any of the other silly things most guys do.
You are an adult now, so start acting like it. And if you want to be spoiled, indeed if you even want a second date, you might want to consider who you're dealing with. I have high standards, and since I'm different then the aforementioned Brian or Joey, I get the benefit of dating some really great, beautiful girls.
So, come off your high horse and remember that I'm trying to find a really great girl, and that you only get one chance with me. So, go ahead, make yourself look good. Let's go out and have a great time. I'll treat you as good, in fact better, than all the other guys, but I won't "pursue" you or spend a ton of money on you trying to impress you. I'm me, and I'm not changing. If you like me, then act like the adult you are and let's get to know each other and share a piece of our lives together.
And whatever you do, don't start playing games or acting spoiled. You may find out what it's like to not have someone return your phone calls, e-mails and text messages.
Oh yeah, and since we live in this ridiculously amoral society, and since you may have read into this "loving women" attitude of mine a belief that isn’t true, let me lay this out nice and clear: You’ll notice at least two references to either the Bible or God on this page alone, so take the hint. While I'm hardly the perfect Christian, and certainly don't act near as good as I should, I also don’t go around casually sleeping with people, so if that’s what you’re looking for, hit the “back button” on the top of the page and don’t bother reading anymore.
Moving along, some have wondered about my infatuation with women, and it's a fair question. I think it results from the fact that I spent four years in the Marine Corps, isolated largely with nothing but a bunch of knuckle-dragging guys. Frankly, guy friends aren’t something I really sweat, cultivate or usually even enjoy.
As I see it, guys usually fall into two categories: Knuckle dragging, beer drinking block heads, who can't read or think, and soft spoken, non-callused single children, who were raised by their mom.
Really, I don't like either of these types. I prefer guys who started in the first category, and after having proved themselves, have moved into a third category. One in which they are secure in their manhood, can still take it outside if necessary, but also aren't ignorant. They have a taste for style and sophistication, and instead of living on the drug we call TV, actually read a good magazine now and again -- a Cosmopolitan, if you will.
Anyway, that's my life, for the most part. The pursuit of money and women. These are probably the downfall of most men, so I blaze down paths many have traveled before.

My Interests

Women. Dancing. Trying to better myself. Weight lifting. Learning to play guitar. Playing tennis. Mixed martial arts. Shooting. Reading GQ magazine. Chess. Sporting striped ties. Working.

Yes, working. Strangely, when you own your own business it doesn't feel like the "working" we've all come to know by working for others. It's like every minute at work is an investment, and I think it's safe to say I'm a heavy investor.

I'd like to meet:

Fellow warriors. What I call real men. Like those I described above. Guys who have tested themselves, and found out that they do in fact have some brass. Men who have taken a beaten for their friends, and found out that black eyes, bruises and blown out shoulders -- I speak from experience here -- do largely heal, but not being able to look yourself in the mirror for being a coward doesn't.

And similarly, men who know that being a bully and picking on the weak, or being ignorant and saying things like, "That's gay," is not only not cool, but shows you're way underdeveloped and dare I say ... immature? (Oh, and if your tough guy status is based on some night when you were out with three other guy friends, and you called out some dude who was with his girl, you got no cred. You're not imposing, just stupid.)

So, if you're one out of one hundred men, who fit my description above, I want to meet you. But if you meet half that description, i.e. you're a tough guy who lacks bedside manners, then go watch football with your friends and fart and drink beer and gay bash until your heart is content. I don't want to know you. Call me when you grow up.


Rap, R and B, alternative, pretty much whatever. I like rap because I went to an inner city school, and that was how we rolled. Since then, I find myself still listening to it. Even though some of the lyrics and themes are detestable, a lot of the "it's-me-against-the-world, just-bring-it" attitude really strengthens me when I have those moments of weakness.

I’ve tried to like classical, because it’s what I imagine rich, sophisticated people listen to (and I do plan to be rich), but I largely think it’s crap.


A Few Good Men. I think this movie with Jack Nicholson and Tom Cruise is a masterpiece.

Are we clear?


You want the truth?

You can't handle the truth.


Very, very little. But when I do, I like: The Office. The Apprentice. Football. And full contact fighting, such as UFC or Pride Fighting.


I love to read, and I read like crazy. Reading is great because it usually does at least two things: First, it inspires me. And second, it helps me to dream big and steal from the past (the history of others) to achieve in the now.

Fiction: "A Man in Full," by Tom Wolfe. "The Firm," by John Grisham. "Point of Impact," by Stephen Hunter. "For Whom the Bell Tolls," Ernest Hemingway. "Without Remorse," by Tom Clancy. And dozens more.

Self-improvement: "The Bible," "Think and Grow Rich," "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People," "Lincoln on Leadership," "Little Black Book of Connections," "Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln," and "How To Win Friends and Influence People." And almost a hundred more.


Too many to name, but a couple of Marines I served with, for sure. Especially two Marine officers who graduated from Annapolis and defined the word "leadership." I owe them greatly.
Being the idealistic sort, I've always admired courage and standing up against insurmountable odds. So, along with these Marines, I'd have to place Jesus, Lincoln, Washington, Churchill and Alexander the Great pretty high on my list of heroes.
Finally, I have to give props to my boy David, probably the first man in history with small man's syndrome -- something I definitely have. For my non-Bible readers, here's the dope.
Once upon a time, the warriors of Israel saw a giant, an indomitable force that was unbeatable, who daily drove fear into their hearts and punked them out gangster-style in front of their women.
David saw something different. David, a really small man too small to serve in Israel's army, saw a mere mortal named Goliath.
David felt a calling, he says from God, that caused him to confront Goliath without armor or sword. David ignored the doubters around him and stepped forward with faith and courage and slew Goliath with a slingshot and a single rock. Then, he cut Goliath's head off.
That took faith, guts and some serious training.
I feel the same calling as David, so watch out, Goliath. You, and all the obstacles you personify in my life, are no match for me. I'm coming for you and regardless of how insurmountable the odds, regardless of how many people doubt me, regardless of how long it takes, how much it costs, or how much sleep I lose, you mark my words, Goliath:
"I'm going to conquer you. I'm going to prove dozens, if not hundreds of doubters wrong. I'm going to freakin' slay you, stand over your dead body in victory and then with great pleasure, I'm going to cut your head off and send it back by mule to all the women who think you're the shit."
Signed, Giantslayer

My Blog


Found this in a forward... Pretty good stuff Forty tips for an exceptional, superb, and powerful life 1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate anti-depres...
Posted by Stan on Thu, 22 May 2008 09:26:00 PST

Some quotes, useful info just for myself.

Here's something you should note if you're a new friend, or this is the first time you're actually reading this. This information is moto stuff for me, that I reference often. It's posted here largely...
Posted by Stan on Wed, 30 May 2007 12:24:00 PST

Am I the only one not asleep?

Am I the only one not asleep?Many years ago, a man took over the mantle of leadership of one of the world’s greatest countries. The country he took over had a dominant, almost unmatched military...
Posted by Stan on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 07:02:00 PST

Picking a course in life: Stone walls or safety

I was recently re-reading one of my favorite books  "The Caine Mutiny," by Herman Wouk  and felt one of those priceless feelings you get when a little wisdom or inspiration is shoved your way. The p...
Posted by Stan on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 05:22:00 PST

Post Action Report: A Near Miss...

Last night I was a bit down because of the weekend so I went out to Bailey's with a new wingman of mine -- he's cool, good looking and fairly tall and well built, i.e. he provides me good cover from o...
Posted by Stan on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 02:58:00 PST