We are the Alice Springs Massive, a group of current and previous Alice Springs residents who are keeping the dream (and language) of the Red Centre alive no matter where in the world we end up. So don't be gammon brus and say G'day
The Alice Springs Glossary:
ali pring (noun)
The true way to pronounce Alice Springs
as (adverb)
Used at the end of the sentence to add definition to an action eg. "drunk as", "tired as", "gammon as"
bindi (adjective)
Strangely shaped or not working properly
boonted (adjective)
Broken/stuffed/oddly shaped
bruss or brus (noun)
Shortened form of brother to denote a male friend
budda (noun)
Form of the word bruss
budju (noun)
Someone who is attractive/hot/sexy, usually but not always a female
*click* nylah (sound)
Used at the end of a sentence to denote sarcasm
deadly (adjective)
Cool or good
don't be gammon now (adjective)
An exclamtion used when you know someone is lying to you.
gammon (verb)
Being false or lying
gammon artist (noun)
A liar
go dot (verb)
To fall over
goona (noun)
Decrepitated shit
just gammoning (adjective)
Letting someone know you're just kidding
lub (adjective)
made it piss (phrase)
Beating or accomplishing a task very easily
made ya piss (phrase)
Beating someone easily, often causing embarrassment
not even (adjective)
An exclamation of disbelief or statement of denial
not even Ted Egan (adjective)
Rhyming slang. See not even
only-muckin-around-brus (phrase)
To indicate jest or ridicule
piece of piss (phrase)
Something that's really easy to accomplish
proper flash or proper good one (adjective)
Describing something that's really flash or special often to differentiate from something less flash
rubbished (verb)
To be corrected or publicly humiliated due to an error of understanding or belief
shame job (noun)
An ebarassment
siss (noun)
The female form of bruss
sorry dorri (phrase)
Rhyming slang. To say you're sorry
us mob (noun)
A collective noun for a group of people that includes the person using the phrase
yeah-nah (noun)
Indicating you agree to something negative but also want to add your own comment
yous (noun)
The plural of you
yous mob (noun)
A collective noun for a group of people that doesn't include the person using the phrase
yuckurai or yuckaday or yuckai (sound)
An exclamation