Dan profile picture


Live a life of Passion

About Me

well first of all i am pretty much a joke. i act like an idiot most of the time but i enjoy it and like to make people laugh. i can be serious if i have to though. i just enjoy having a good time. i hate planning things out because plans never work out so i am pretty random i guess. you will rarely see me in a bad mood because i figure there is enough crap in the world and there is no reason for my petty problems to add to that, so i might as well just be happy. i guess essentially what i am saying is that i kind of suck at life but i love it.

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My Interests

Sports, Religion, Friends

I'd like to meet:

Jesus, William Wallace, Derek Zoolander (too bad hes not real). to be honest, i'll meet anyone as long as they arent mean


Journey is by far the most amazing band ever, if you disagree i will fight you. I love older music way better than new stuff. REO, Foreigner, Firehouse, AC/DC, all amazing. I do like a lot of new stuff too though. I also like to listen to Christian music, not like the 91.5 stuff but real music. Shawn Macdonald is awesome, Switchfoot, By the Tree, theres a lot more, but those are good. Pretty Mcu hgive me any kind of Music and i'm set, i just love music in general


Braveheart (best movie ever made), Gridiron Gang, For the Love of the Game, Rocky 1-4 (screw #5), Remember the Titans, Glory Road, King Arthur, Troy, Zoolander, 61, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Godfather, Last Samurai


That 70s Show, Sportscenter, LOST, family guy...thats about all the TV i watch...i suck


The Way of the Wild Heart, Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Blue Like Jazz, Velvet Elvis, Wild at Heart

My Blog


well, it looks like im gonna be spending another year in lincoln next year. i cant afford the school i want to go to but hey, itll all work out in the end. im going to camp this sunday and might be ...
Posted by Dan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


so if anyone was wondering, i talked to an admissions councelor in philly yesterday, and im going to find out within the next three days whether or not im in. its no big deal really, just the rest o...
Posted by Dan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i dont know

im not really sure why i am doing this, i never really wanted a blog, but everyone else seems to be getting them, so i figured id give it a try. well, i am about 3 weeks away form finishing my first ...
Posted by Dan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST