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Sports, Religion, Friends
Jesus, William Wallace, Derek Zoolander (too bad hes not real). to be honest, i'll meet anyone as long as they arent mean
Journey is by far the most amazing band ever, if you disagree i will fight you. I love older music way better than new stuff. REO, Foreigner, Firehouse, AC/DC, all amazing. I do like a lot of new stuff too though. I also like to listen to Christian music, not like the 91.5 stuff but real music. Shawn Macdonald is awesome, Switchfoot, By the Tree, theres a lot more, but those are good. Pretty Mcu hgive me any kind of Music and i'm set, i just love music in general
Braveheart (best movie ever made), Gridiron Gang, For the Love of the Game, Rocky 1-4 (screw #5), Remember the Titans, Glory Road, King Arthur, Troy, Zoolander, 61, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Godfather, Last Samurai
That 70s Show, Sportscenter, LOST, family guy...thats about all the TV i watch...i suck
The Way of the Wild Heart, Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Blue Like Jazz, Velvet Elvis, Wild at Heart