blue-eyed devil profile picture

blue-eyed devil

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About Me

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&nbsp my babe &nbsp
Make your own South Park character!!
my oz
my nwar
my miss quinn
and the exonerated one, my madden
hmmm.... what to say, what to say? i may be over 30 but i don't look or act my age... i've been with the same guy for 9 years and we're madly in love... i share my life with him and the 4 greatest cats in the world... I'm from upstate New York, but in 2000 moved to Atlanta, and in 2003 moved to Connecticut, and in 2006 moved to New Hampshire, which should be our final resting spot for awhile since we just bought a house on July 27, 2007... I was a bartender for 5 years, then became an assistant manager at Hot Topic, and for 7 months had my first sit-down job that i got fired from... currently i am a volunteer at the Monadnock Humane Society where i play with and pet cats all day. how great a life do i have?? :) i'm a bit off-the-wall, have never been "normal", don't believe in conformity, won't change for anyone... i love what i love and make no apologies... when i'm into something, i go all out, crazy-obsessed... i do not judge... i have a great sense of humor... i'm a bit bawdy on the internet but on the shy-side in real life... and i love my hair!
Take the quiz: "What Specific Sport Are You?"

YOU ARE HOCKEY! You are the type of person that people look at and say, stay away from her... And They Better!!
What type of hockey player are you?
You have a crafty skill, and you avoid physical play with your slick moves ana..speed. Everything you do is flashy and clean.

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Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.Take the quiz: "What famous hockey player are you?"

Scott Stevens
You are the defensive tough guy Scott Stevens. You keep your goalie protected have a high hiting power. You are feared by many offensive players because they'a..prefer to stay alive and not have their brains splattered agaisnt the boards. Your have fists of fury and when you use them the other players winds up geting hurt. You also show good leadership skills.
What NHL Team Are You?
The Deroit Red Wings
You're unpredictable. You have your ups and downs, but no one can tell which way you'll go.

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Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests This is wrong cuz i'm Devils hardcore!

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My Interests

I'd have to say my greatest love is ice hockey, especially the New Jersey Devils. I have 45 different jerseys of my favorite players and my house is a testament to my devotion to them. I'll watch any hockey game I can, but I'll never miss the Devils.

I get along really well with my family. Don't know if that contributes to my weirdness or not. I think my Mom is such an incredible woman. There is no one with a bigger heart. I'm the middle child; i have 2 sisters. We are nothing alike, but they're both really awesome in completely different ways.

Ashok, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, hockey, esp. NEW JERSEY DEVILS, sleeping/pillows/clean sheets with a high thread count/my bed, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, cats, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, coffee, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, the ocean, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, hockey jerseys, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, hockey history, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, New York Yankees, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, makeup: eyeliner, eyeshadow, pigments, lipstick, the works! more more in every and any color!!, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, Pizza Hut, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, post-it notes, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, sudoku, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, football, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, modrobes, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, geting my head shaved/having someone scratch my freshly shaven head, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, hotpants/boyshorts, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, ice cream (esp. Ben and Jerry's or from Stewart's, or my new love, Coldstone Creamery), NEW JERSEY DEVILS, Arthur Treacher's chicken, chips, and hushpuppies, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, getting kisses from my boyfriend when he's in the shower and i'm not because his lips are all soft and wet, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, snoopy and woodstock, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, crossword puzzles, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, obsessing, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, mayonaise, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, Mitch Hedberg (RIP, man), NEW JERSEY DEVILS, deftones, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, safety pins, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, chocolate (especially dark chocolate), NEW JERSEY DEVILS, System of a Down, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, bread, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, designing my own funky clothes, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, staying home, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, jigsaw puzzles, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, chino moreno, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, pinstripes, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, dying my hair, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, penguins, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, hourglasses, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, sweatshirts/hoodies, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, football, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, Seinfeld, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, vanilla coke (they brought it back!), NEW JERSEY DEVILS, gargoyles, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, thunderstorms, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, 3-prong forks, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, triangles, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, the smell of fresh cut grass, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, the comics, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, Peppermint Patties, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, mini coopers, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, rocks/stones, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, South Park pinball, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata", NEW JERSEY DEVILS, skeeball, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, mini-golf, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, rollercoasters, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, napping on the beach, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, playing "dress up", NEW JERSEY DEVILS, doing nothing, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, Paesan's Pizza in Albany, NY, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, solitude, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, red & black, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, NHL playoff OT, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, Hampton Beach, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, Amicci's Pizza here in Keene, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, bomb pops (now that i've freakin' found them!!), NEW JERSEY DEVILS, when it thunders on the vegetables in the produce section of the grocery store, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, my babycar, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, the Battle of Alberta, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, eBay, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, holidays and holiday decorations, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, stuffed animals, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, cake, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, sarcasm, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, the changing of the seasons, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, Oh Canada, especially being sung by a hockey arena full of Canadians, NEW JERSEY DEVILS, the episode of "The Facts of Life" where everyone is being killed by Blair because they bought their shoes at the supermarket, Twilight Zone style!, NEW JERSEY DEVILS
getting my page freakin' munched by myspace, stupidity, the Philadelphia Flyers, the New York Rangers, the Boston Red Sox, people who say "wif" instead of "with", fruits and vegetables, traffic, girls especially if they're also puckbunnies, anyone who gets to see more live hockey games than i do, people who spell "losing" with two "o"'s, Fox for taking Arrested Development off the air, the Black-Eyed Peas, drama, spiders, metal grilles, most people, stupidity, NASCAR, waking up, crowds, Burger King, drunks, shaving (altho i do it), feet, litter, guys in tank tops, that song "Let's Get it Started", sandals on men or worn by anyone in the winter, cell phones (proudly, i do not have one), packing, onions, allergies, people desperate for attention, "Ready to Go" by Republica, whores, the shootout, dancing, cleaning messes i didn't have the pleasure of making, Mariah Carey for always just showing the right side of her face, when little kids sound like adults when they sing CREEPY!, clowns, when the coffee pot shuts off before i get to pour the last cup, bad drivers, whipped cream "frosting" (here's a hint- IT'S NOT FROSTING!!), shorts or pants with writing on the ass, Ticketmaster's surcharge, Coke for taking away my Coke Blaq, spontaneous braking on the hiway, not being able to lose 5 stupid pounds, when people steal stuff off my profile and then send me a friends request, my temper

I'd like to meet:

one of the greatest hockey pictures of all time

Random shtuff regarding moi...
my boyfriend's... ha ha, no... my FIANCE's name is Ashok. he was born in India but has lived his whole life in the US. he is the most fantastic person i have ever had the pleasure of meeting. in the 9+ years we've been together, we have never had a fight. we are not married becuz we just don't feel it necessary, but someday we'll decide we'd like some gifts, so we'll do it! Or he'll just surprise me while on a trip to Toronto and propose!! Didn't see that one coming!!
my senior year of high school i had surgery for scoliosis. i now have a scar the length of my spine on my back, and i love it
i have 3 tattoos: my first is a psychedelic mushroom on my left ankle, the 2nd is a black design on the right side of my back; the left side has a wide scar from where bone was taken from my hip for my back surgery. my newest one is on my left hip- a Devils logo with red flames
i have 8 piercings: 4 in the left ear (one in the cartilage); one in the right (also 2 "ripped" holes in that ear that can no longer support earrings); one in my right eyebrow; 2 in my tongue. i had pierced my belly button twice before with a safety pin, but that was 13 years ago and didn't last more than a couple weeks
i could be happy if i never had to leave my house again
a not-so-fun game would be "hide my contacts and re-arrange the furniture". i'm REALLY blind
i make the best chocolate chip cookies
i have been to every state along the east coast, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, Nebraska, Minnesota (hey, the airport counts!), California, to Montreal and Toronto, and Aruba
feeding me walnuts would be a great way to murder me
i can fit my fist in my mouth
i am slightly obsessed with the New Jersey Devils (did you notice?). at any given point, there is at least one New Jersey Devils symbol on my body, and most times, there's more than one. i have a small silver charm that hangs around my neck that never comes off... and well, the tattoo's pretty permanent...
i would someday like to have my own little shelter for homeless cats
when i was a kid growing up, i lived on a backroad in a wee town- and we had cows!
i have seen Phish in concert 40 times
i have never eaten a hot dog (you can even ask my Mom)
my hair has been just about every color there is, except yellow
the only bone i have ever broken is my pinky finger (left hand)
i got a dictionary during 6th grade graduation for being the smartest kid in my class. i did not open that dictionary until i got to college
it took me until 1 month before my 31st birthday to finally get a drivers license. i HAD to; my mini cooper was already on order!
my bathrooms are super-freakin' cool! in one, everything is done in "Nightmare Before Christmas". in the other, it's all NJ Devils!
i'm a little afraid of the telephone. i only answer it if it's Ashok or my family calling. even if someone else calls me, and i'd love to talk to them, something keeps me from answering. i don't make calls either
before i was even old enuff to go to school, i was an Alice Cooper fan. to this day, the trio of "Steven", "Years Ago" & "The Awakening" is still the most bad-ass songs ever
"she can read, she can read, she can read, she's baaaaad"... i read the newspaper everyday
i would rather kill a human than an animal
as a native NYer, i always rooted for the Yankees, but it is only in the past 7 years that i have actually become a Yankees fan. Jorge Posada is my favorite player, becuz he doesn't wear batting gloves and he still wears the old school style of catcher's mask
i can imitate a cat, a chicken, and a sheep practically to perfection... vocally, i mean
i cry at weddings
i have lived at 10 different mailing addresses in 4 separate states
i believe in ghosts, as the house i grew up in was haunted. we believe it was my father's father "haunting" us

Which Get Fuzzy Character Are You?
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over time, my musical tastes have gone thru dramatic changes. as a kid- we're talking 3 and 4 years old, i listened to Alice Cooper. when i was a little older, i worshipped Madonna. by the time i got to junior high, i was a metal head, but not the "good" kind of metal; the hair metal. Poison, Warrant, Winger, Motley Crue, Faster Pussycat, Enuff Z'nuff, LA Guns... i can go on and on! and then grunge happened, and it was all about Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, etc... when i got to college i was more into a little bit of everything: Pixies, Green Day, Juliana Hatfield, Stone Temple Pilots, Faith No More, Jane's Addiction, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Beastie Boys, Rage Against the Machine, Radiohead, Tool... but mostly i was all about Phish. i had tons of bootleg tapes and went to see them any chance i got. i am proud to say that i never became a dirty hippie tho!! after that, i was into "new metal": Korn, Limp Bizkit, deftones, Orgy, System of a Down, Cold, Kittie, At The Drive-In...
these days, i still have certain bands from each of my old genres that i hold onto: deftones and System of a Down being my favorites. my fiance showed me way back in the beginning of the true genius of Mr. Mike Patton; the Faith No More, Mr. Bungle, Tomahawk, and Peeping Tom cds are never far away...

bands currently in my head: Interpol, Team Sleep, the Killers, the Music, the Distillers, Murder By Death, the Mars Volta, Mudvayne, Chevelle, Sparta, A Perfect Circle, Hotwire, My Vitriol, My Chemical Romance, Soul Coughing, Incubus, Killswitch Engage, Kidney Thieves, Sunny Day Real Estate, Garbage, the Cure, Refused, Mindless Self Indulgence, the White Stripes


I hate when people ask "what's your favorite movie?" I don't think i have one. I always give Fight Club as the answer, tho; i can watch that movie again and again. It's either my favorite movie, or i just say it is because when my hair was black, i was constantly told "you look just like that girl in Fight Club". whatever. SLC Punk is another one i don't get tired of. I'm proud to say i saw that movie in the theatre. And then there's The Nightmare Before Christmas- gotta love that!!
My favorite actor of all time is James Cagney. I've seen most of his films and i honestly like them all. The best one, by far, is Angels with Dirty Faces. If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and rent it!
Movies i like in no particular order: The Rocket, Miracle, Brick, The Machinist, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Reservoir Dogs, John Tucker Must Die, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Goodfellas, Office Space, Can't Hardly Wait, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, BeetleJuice, Not Another Teen Movie, Dazed and Confused, South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut, Heathers, Tombstone, Young Guns, Pump Up the Volume, The Breakfast Club, Boys N The Hood, Mean Girls, Evil Dead 2, The Craft, Alice in Wonderland, Snatch, Seven, The Basketball Diaries, Welcome to the Dollhouse, Rules of Attraction, The Goonies, Wizard of Oz, Clockwork Orange, 200 Cigarettes, The Doors, Go, A History of Violence, Election, Ocean's 11, Ocean's 13, Sideways, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Stand By Me, Say Anything, the original 3 Star Wars movies, Ace Ventura Pet Detective, Clerks, Clerks 2, Natural Born Killers, Run Lola Run, Pulp Fiction, 6th Sense, Rounders, Trainspotting, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Saw, American Beauty, The Life of David Gale, Being John Malkovich, American History X, Memento, Kill Bill 1&2, Kinsey, Finding Neverland, Batman Begins, Corpse Bride, Me and You and Everyone We Know, Walk the Line, Thank You For Smoking, Superman Returns, The Lookout, Little Miss Sunshine, The Illusionist, The Prestige, The Departed, Borat, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Knocked Up, Superbad, Hot Fuzz, Michael Clayton, The Simpsons Movie, I Am Legend, No Country For Old Men, Juno, Sweeney Todd


i watch too much tv. it's almost embarrassing. but it's not my fault! when you're hockey-obsessed and have the Center Ice package, there's games on every night!
i do have other shows i have to watch: American Idol, America's Next Top Model, Project Runway, Kitchen Nightmares, Top Chef, Hell's Kitchen, Miami Ink, Janice Dickison Modeling Agency, Bret Michaels' Rock of Love (my guilty pleasure)... i like the reality shows that aren't rewarding people just for being on tv or for being a whore. at least the people on these shows have a talent...
non-reality wise, i like: House, Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park, American Dad, The Office, My Name is Earl, Heroes, CSI: Crime Scene Investigaion, Grounded for Life reruns, and, sadly, Days of our Lives. i wish i could stop watching that freakin' show, but i just can't.


i'm a reader. i read a lot. mostly hockey books. if it has to do with hockey, whether it's nhl history, a biography, a high school team, a minor league team, or whatever, i'm going to read it.
non-hockey wise, i love Chuck Palahniuk; the man cannot write fast enough for me. Joe Meno is another good one; his "Hairstyles of the Damned" is fantastic. Alice Hoffman and Jennifer Wiener are other favorites. i also thuroughly enjoyed Ralph "Sonny" Barger's autobiography "Hell's Angel". but the greatest thing ever put down on paper is "Watership Down".
some of my favorite hockey books, in no particular order are:
Brodeur: Beyond the Crease by Martin Brodeur and Damien Cox Zamboni Rodeo by Jason Cohen They Don't Play Hockey in Heaven by Ken Baker Open Net by George Plimpton Putting a Roof on Winter by Michael McKinley Eleven Seconds by Travis Roy The Game by Ken Dryden Pain and Progress (it's about the Devils!!) by Stan & Shirley Fischler Fire On Ice (it's also about the Devils!!) Tales From the Devils Ice by Glenn "Chico" Resch with Mike Kerwick Best of the Original Six by Brian McFarlane Tropic of Hockey by Dave Bidini Blades of Glory by John Rosengren Firewagon Hockey: The Game in the 80s by Mike Leonetti The Rebel League by Ed Willes Hockey Stories On and Off the Ice by Dan Diamond, James Duplacey with Eric Zwerg Thunder and Lightning by Phil Esposito and Peter Golenbock In The Crease and Behind the Bench by Dick Irvin Ballad of the Whiskey Robber by Julian Rubinstein The Hammer by Dave Schultz A Season of Loss, A Lifetime of Forgiveness by John Manasso The Boys of Winter by Wayne Coffey Cracked Ice by Stan Fischler Hockey Town by Ed Arnold Oldtimers by Gary Mason The Mad Men of Hockey by Trent Frayne Robinson For the Defence by Larry Robinson Home Game by Ken Dryden and Roy MacGregor The Code by Ross Bernstein Between the Lines by Ray Scapinello and Rob Simpson The Rookie by Shawna Richer Searching For Bobby Orr by Stephen Brunt Money Players by Bruce Dowbiggin

Keep your chin up!

Keep your chin up cupcake

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The Face of a True Warrior...

Oh Captain, My Captain

My Blog

vital social issues and stuff

well well well. long timey, no writey, eh? well sorrrrrrrrr-ry! i have things to do! but i thought i could fill y'all in on my what's what.   aside from the animals in my backyard, of w...
Posted by blue-eyed devil on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 12:23:00 PST

I’ll take "Things in my backyard" for $200 please, Alex

Things i have seen out my back window:   Someone's kitty   A red squirrel   Ducks   What i believe to be a mink   Big Bird!   And in the pond...     ok. m...
Posted by blue-eyed devil on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 09:42:00 PST

Mad Dog forever

well, without further ado... this is Madden he's here. he's mine. basically i went to the shelter yesterday and talked with Emily about options, but i just got the feeling that if i didn't take him h...
Posted by blue-eyed devil on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 09:15:00 PST

I feel like the governor calling at the 11th hour

First of all, thank you to all of you who gave me your thoughts and shared your own personal stories regarding Crisis: Madden. It's been hard trying to figure out what to do because sadly, you can't s...
Posted by blue-eyed devil on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 08:28:00 PST

trying to be a superhero, of sorts...

some of you may have read a blog of mine back in March entitled "i'm in love with Madden" about a cat at the Humane Society. well, he might be coming home to live with me.   note the lack of excl...
Posted by blue-eyed devil on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 08:47:00 PST

i failed to mention the Devils in the blog so i will here

well, it's practically here; tomorrow is the big day!on our 9 year anniversary, Ashok and i are becoming homeowners!i am exhausted, but extremely excited!i haven't seen the inside of the house (we lik...
Posted by blue-eyed devil on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 08:03:00 PST

i bet you think this song is about you

well, since the NHL's free agency frenzy has died down, i have to find ways to procrastinate so i don't have to start packing. 3 more weeks and i'll be in my own home!!!   so yeah, in order to av...
Posted by blue-eyed devil on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 09:17:00 PST

hair stylists don't do hockey

last Saturday, Ashok and i went to Manchester for the Imperia Vodka Hair Competition. it was a fundraiser for breast cancer, and featured over 40 stylist doing crazy-assed shit with hair. (i tell you,...
Posted by blue-eyed devil on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 08:31:00 PST

un amuse bouche

so has anyone noticed that the Snoopy playing hockey image on my profile kinda dances along with "London Calling?"   anyhoo, another Devils season has come and gone... the Cup Finals will be star...
Posted by blue-eyed devil on Mon, 21 May 2007 09:50:00 PST

go for the Devils, come back for the pizza

  Friday: the day starts at the buttcrack of dawn; flight is 10:45, airport is 1.5 hours away, gotta get there early because Southwest doesn't assign seats, gotta finish packing.... but surprisi...
Posted by blue-eyed devil on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 08:51:00 PST