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I am here for Serious Relationships

About Me

"Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught."-Oscar Wilde

My name is Dave and I spend WAY too much time on this dumb website... Until recently, I was the frontman of Organ of Corti . Now I sing and play guitar for hey Mendell!

If you'd like to know more, read through a couple of my blogs. You could also message me if you would like to say "yowadup." I love meeting new people.

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My Blog

What a bunch of fools we lovers are.

I can't get enough of this band, La Dispute. I've already listened to all their songs on myspace about a million times each, but I need more!! MORE!!!! Hmm... Their new CD came out about a month ago, ...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Dec 2008 11:39:00 GMT

It’s my fault.

Sometimes I wish that it were easier for me to hate certain people. It's easy for me to get mad at them and to get in arguments with them, but I can't help but love them regardless of how badly they p...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Dec 2008 13:10:00 GMT

The scars and broken hearts have made us who we are.

Sometimes it's hard to look back on my past and not hate myself. Does anyone else feel that way (stupid question)? I know that I've learned from my mistakes and if it wasn't for certain consequences I...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Nov 2008 00:43:00 GMT

Trying to find hope in a giant pile of American diarrhea..

As I'm sure most of you already know, I was not pleased with the outcome of a certain election held yesterday. I disagree with Barack Obama on everything. EVERYTHING. What's even worse than a pseudo-s...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 22:30:00 GMT

Barack Obama eats babies!!

It's true! Here's the proof:The main reason why I'm posting this blog is because Missourians don't want to be distracted by divisive character attacks against Barack Obama anymore. We need to focus on...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Oct 2008 21:57:00 GMT

Manna is a hell of a drug..

There are so many things going through my mind right now. I have an overwhelming sense of joy with just a hint of sadness. It used to be the other way around. I can't stop listening to Manchester Orch...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 06:02:00 GMT

I killed another one tonight...

I'm just fine.I'm just fine.I'm just fine.
Posted by on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 06:58:00 GMT

wake up! wake up! you are going to die!

I have plenty of things to write about, but they're all secrets that only I can know. Mwahahahahahahaha!!! Do you want to know what they are?? Do you REALLY want to know? Do ya do ya do ya? Ok... Here...
Posted by on Thu, 18 Sep 2008 06:06:00 GMT

Save your apology, you will always be a liar to me.

I just bought the Right Away, Great Captain album "The Bitter End." It's amazing. That's all I can say. For anyone who doesn't know RAGC, it's Andy Hull's (lead singer of Manchester Orchestra) solo f...
Posted by on Sat, 30 Aug 2008 16:23:00 GMT

Who I am hates who Ive been.

I've made a lot of stupid, stupid mistakes. I was selfish. And because of my selfishness, I've lost everything. All I want to do is call her, hear her voice, try to make things work. But I'm not ready...
Posted by on Mon, 04 Aug 2008 16:26:00 GMT