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I am here for Friends

About Me

Listen to the trees, for their roots do speak. Truth is always worth searching for; a perfect thing, both ugly and beautiful, condemning and liberating. If Heaven exists, I hope it is not as perfect as rumor has it. Look into the darkness and accept that it is just as beautiful as the light. From sadness outpours a flood of brilliant creativity, for this is when the soul is strongest - when it is on the precipice of breaking. I find regality in the face of Autumn. There is an infinite and eerie contentment in complete solitude. The act of being is one that is eternal. Voila, there is me.

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

all of my past lives/whatever runs this universe/David Bowie (my first love)/my djinn/my grandma and grandpa/Salvador Dahli/Hayao Miyazaki/my soul mate (sappy, I know)/Stephen Colbert/Mohandas Gandhi/Ralph Waldo Emerson/Walt Whitman/Henry David Thoreau/Robert Rodriquez/Wes Anderson/Guillermo del Toro/George A. Romero/myself in its best possible form/an alien or a zombie/David Duchovny/Eugene Mirman.

My Blog

what a year

So, this year has probably been the most eventful year of my life:Dad's dyingComputer friedOne misdiagnosis and a terrible kidney infectiondog has mangecountless leaks in my new room, resulting in rui...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Jun 2009 23:32:00 GMT

Ah, memory lane. memories as remembered in random order by me! Enjoy yourself as you become my mind-slave for all eternity!
Posted by on Fri, 27 Feb 2009 17:57:00 GMT

Leapfrog Commercial 2008

Okay you guys, gird your loins for this one!So a few weeks ago, Leapfrog launched its new learning system, TAG Reader, as seen below. As you can s...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Dec 2008 06:51:00 GMT

Check out this likeable trailer!!! Anyone psyched about seeing this? It's already on DVD, so, you know, have at it.
Posted by on Tue, 25 Nov 2008 21:38:00 GMT

In the Deep - A Holocaust Project So for those of you who were in Colloquium this past year, you may have seen this short, among others, I created for my Independent Investigations ...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 17:16:00 GMT

SanJapan Anime Convention San Antonio So here it is. My day at SanJapan. For the most part, it was enjoyable, not to mention quite memorable. My favourite part was the Vic Mignogna Disc...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 17:12:00 GMT


  So if anyone saw my IQ I posted in the 'About Me' section of my profile, I scored a 147, which classifies me as a Genius. Out of those who have taken the test, this level has only been reached ...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 16:50:00 GMT