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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Hey, I'm Garry, how do you do?
I'm 21.
Hails from Newcastle.
GRUNGE music is the best.
Oh Aye.
But...I also listen to MANY genres such as metal, stoner Rock, industrial, EBM, Drum n bass, punk, grindcore, riot Girl, noise rock, some Hip Hop... the list is endless.
My profile is best viewed using Internet Explorer, not Mozilla Firefox.
I live in a house with my five mates.
I surf, Skateboard and BMX.
I'd do anything for my mates.
Want to know more?
Feel free to drop me a message ;)
I have msn, want It? Ask ;)
My PS3 Network Addy is blandest88

My Blog

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