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About Marc
Age: 17
Born: Iriga City, Philippines
Location: Yigo, Guam
Ethnicity: Filipino
Religion: Christian
School: Guam High School
Grade: Senior c/o ..08
Status: Single

Friendship: lie to me n it takes a lifetime for me to trust you. before I use to hate being around friends unless I was super super close with them but now I realize i took them for granted. Everything my friends do I seem to have an opinion on, haha wat can I say I'm an opinionated person. My friends hate me wen I tell them wat to do unless its in ROTC/mainly because I care for them or just like to annoy them(depending on the situation)

Democrats/Republicans: ey, i dont seem to belong in either one, why cant we go back in the early days of the colonies where there was no political factions. George Washington didnt want political parties, why did we start not one or two but so many damn ones. grr lol..either way I support both n i dont want to consider myself a Democratic-Republican..

Military: haha affects me everyday of my life since im surrounded by it(living on a base n all) but I like the cool stuff them bring up. I am a huge supportor of my friends who are soldiers/sailors/airmen/marine. I pray for them each day and I always always have them in my mind(somewhere in there lol)

Orientation: like I said I like meeting new people in all walks of life and i dont discreminate around anything. Personalities is wat i go for and trust me i dont see color in people. Sexual orientation is decided by the person or by birth( another controversy) but I dont care how people get watever way they get. If you seem cool to me then Ill chill with yah. One thing I dont like is "homophobs," If your str8 and you are scared of people that you consider "different" then ur just a pussy and u need to get a pair. N I especially dont like overly crazy people who always seems to push for their belief. I can develop my own belief on my own terms.

Race: ey we dont live in the colonial age anymore, I dont see color in people but I do make cliche jokes on race. I dont like people who are racist.(I mean people who dont like people cause of their skin colors) I do prejudge people on the way they look, who doesnt right. But I wont judge yah on your color. (goes with the saying: "ALL walks of life")

Life: Life is too short for anyone and anything, dont b like me n limit yourself to wat you have now. Anyone can be anything if they truely believe it. I missed out on alot of experiences before cause of some trauma that I experienced but now I have learned to accept my critical mistakes and I learn from it. Of all my mistakes in life the only one that will affect me all my life is the mistake of dwelling in my pain. I dont regret it but I do realize that it caused me alot due to my isolation from friends.
Religion: "i once was lost but now im found" Dec. 2 a friend of mine, Fernando Lopez, talked me into going to church with him that sunday.(Dec. 3; Bonna's birthday) Anyways ever since then, I have renewed my faith in the lord and our savior, jesus christ. I know that everything I have done and all the sins I have made will be repented and forgiven when I truely ask for them to be. I am currently not a babtice born-agian christian but each day I just know that I will be. IDK I think the lord talked through fernado to call me to him. I am now willlingly gonna answer his call. Thank you jesus for everything you done.

Layout Creator: Ann Ann