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I am here for Friends

About Me

Myspace Graphics
Myspace Layouts I can't tell you who I am, mostly because I just don't know myself yet.
My name is Cassie
I'm from Florida,
But I was born in Manhattan.
And i live in Missouri.
I'm a student at Mizzou, majoring in Magazine Journalism and minoring in Portuguese.
I'm studying abroad in Brazil fall semester of 2007.
I'm in Phi Mu, and i love my sisters more than anything.
p.s. my AIM is Cassxcore2 and i would love getting a message from you.

My Interests

Brazil. portuguese. Writing. jewelry. music. photography. Diane Arbus. Georgia O'Keefe. Diamonds and Sapphires by Elizabeth Taylor.Oh, and Bruno Santos..

I'd like to meet:

Who would I like to meet?
You, duh.
What do you think of Cassie?
I love her. A lot.
I guess shes alright.
Shes stupid.
only the cutest, bestest, prettiest, most wonderful person alive.
sexxxxyy, duh.
um, shes the coolest girl in the world. Duh.
all of the above.
none of the above.

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NIN, Nirvana, From Autumn to Ashes, Marilyn Monroe, Frank Sinatra, Bobby Darrin, Melissa Auf der Maur, etc etc etc...And my favorite musician ever


-Matchstick Men
-Carlito's Way


Law & Order.


Wayy too many to list...


My mom. My dad. And the boy I love.

Oh, and spiderman.