wine, desserts, morr music, music
shy people like me. so we don't say anything at all
!!!, The Avalanches, Belle and Sebastian, Black Dice, Blonde Redhead, Boris, Bosque Brown, Broadcast, cLOUDDEAD, Deerhoof, Delia Gonzalez and Gavin Russom, Figurine, Fog, Gillian Welch, Hercules and Love Affair, Hot Chip, Isan, Juana Molina, Lali Puna, LCD Soundsystem, Lindstrøm, Low, Madvillain, Nico, The Notwist, Serge Gainsbourg, Sonic Youth, Stereolab, Still Going, Tied and Tickled Trio, Vashti Bunyan, Why?, Wunder, Yo La Tengo, Young Marble Giants
À Bout de Souffle, A Clockwork Orange, Bande à Part, De Fem benspænd, Dancer in the Dark, Dogville, Good Bye Lenin!, Festen, La Jetée, Les Enfants du Paradis, Metropolis, Trois Couleurs (Bleu, Blanc, Rouge), Volver
12 oz. Mouse, Arrested Development, The Boondocks, House
Antoine de Saint Exupéry, Federico Garcia Lorca, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Gabriel Garcia Márquez, John Irving, Michel Deguy, Patrick Süskind, Thomas Mann