The story begun in 2004, when Josh (guitar/vocals) and Hrast (guitar/backing vocals) decided to start a punk-rock band. Next year (2005), Micho (drums) joined the band. Soon after that, they wrote a few songs, and played a few shows in their home town. But unfortunally, they couldnt got their forth member (bass player) for almost a year. In the year 2006 Jure (bass) joined the band. When the lineup was completed, they recorded their first demo album, selftittled (Taking Over Mars). In 2007, they had a one-month tour (around 20 shows) across Europe. They played in Slovakia, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy,..
A few months after the European tour, Hrast decided, that he wants to leave the band, and then in the and of 2007, Alex (guitar/vocals) joined the band. For a few months they were separeted from the concert stages, because they were doing some new songs. During that time, Jure decided to leave the band, and Alex took place on bass. In the summer of 2008, the band had a month and a half long tour around Europe. They played on a few big festivals with some quite famous bands. In January 2009, they got their fourth member on guitar. So now, the lineup in complete. Now, they are prepairing to record their first studio album, wich will be recorded before the summer in 2009...
Zacetki skupine Taking Over Mars segajo v leto 2004, ko sta se Aljoša Jagodic (ritem kitara/vokal) ter Nejc Hrast (solo kitara/back vokal) odlocila, da ustvarita punk-rock skupino. Naslednje leto (2005), se jima je pridružil Mitja Poklukar (bobni). Kmalu po tem, je skupina zacela z ustvarjanjem lastne glasbe. Imeli so tudi nekaj koncertov na lokalni sceni. Vseeno pa jim je manjkal še cetrti clan na basu. Leta 2006 se je skupini pridružil Jure Ogrin (bas kitara/back vokali). Ko so koncno dobili cetrtega clana so priceli z ustvarjanjem svojega prvega demo, istoimenskega CDja. V upanju, da bi dobro spromovirali svojo demo plošco, so se leta 2007 odpravili na turnejo. Koncertirali so po Sloveniji, ter po ostalih državah evrope. Imeli so mesec-dni dolgo turnejo po Evropi. Nastopali so na Slovaškem, Ceškem, v Angliji, Nemciji, Italiji, na Škotskem,... Po koncani turneji so se odmaknili od koncertnih odrov. Priceli so z ustvarjanjem novih pesmi, med-tem casom pa jih je zapustil kitarist Nejc Hrast. Tako se je konec leta 2007 skupini pridružil Alex Mladenov (kitara/back vokal). Po koncanem premoru, so priceli z koncerti po Sloveniji. Med tem casom jih je zapustil basist Jure Ogrin, tako da je mesto na basu prevzel Alex. Junija 2008, pa so se odpravili na mesec in pol dolgo turnejo po evropi. Obiskali so države kot so Anglija, Nizozemska, Nemcija, Avstrija, Slovaška, Polska, Ceška, Belgija, Francija,. Januarja 2009 se je skupini pridružil Matic, tako so sedaj v polni pripravljenosti na izdajo svojega težko pricakovanega prvenca.
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