In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. All praises are for Allah, we praise Him, seek His forgiveness and appeal for His assistance. We seek refuge with Allah from the evil of our souls and the evil of our actions. Whoever Allah guides, there's none who can lead them astray. And whoever Allah leads astray, there's none who can guide them aright. I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah Ta'ala, and I bear witness that Muhammad Ibn Abdullah is His servant and messenger. The best speech is the speech of Allah(i.e.Qur'an) and the best example is that of Muhammad, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him(i.e.Sunnah). The evilest of all matters are those things that are added to the Deen(i.e.Innovations), for every innovation is a misguidance and every misguidance is in the fire. May Allah protect us all from that which leads away from the straight path. Ameen!!!Amma b'ad: Everyone who is close to me calls me Tariq. I am a revert to Al-Islam, Masha Allah. Islam has changed my life just as it has changed the lives of billions throughout history. Many Muslims who weren't raised in an Islamic home have done much to spread the Islamic way of life throughout history, and my intentions are to do the same,Insha Allah. I truly believe that Allah Ta'ala has favored me with so much in such a short time. I thank Him for the Love and Mercy that He has extended to me. Masha Allah I adhere to the Manhaj of As-Salafus-Salih. Life as a Salafi ins't always easy, but the life of this world is only temporary, and it is meant to be a test for us. So we work hard and try our best to please Allah. ..
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