(Above) President Eisenhower on the Military Industrial Complex (1961)
(Above) Ron Paul interviewed by CNN on election day 2008
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
(Above) Ron Paul Floor Speech on Iran & Foreign Policy (6/27/08)
(Above) 9/11: The Case for Controlled Demolition (2006)
(Above) World Trade Center 7: Smoking Gun of 9/11 (2007)
(Above) CNN Anderson Cooper 360: WAS 9/11 AN INSIDE JOB? (9/11/07)
My Blog
Comments by Ron Paul on US Congress: HR 1955 Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act
Before the House of Representatives - December 5, 2007:Mr. Speaker, I regret that I was unavoidably out of town on October 23, 2007, when a vote was taken on HR 1955, the Violent Radicalization & ... Posted by on Fri, 23 May 2008 09:41:00 GMT