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Lucca Mentone

About Me

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The highest level and continuous improvement – these are the features that every DJ should have. Never stop learning, don’t be afraid to experiment, shock and surprise others, and do not let classify yourself! – that is a motto of Lucca... Mentone
Ambassador of the energetic side of the power…
Power, climate, energy – these are the three virtues that characterize the real musician. “You are a part of what is happening in a club,you get satisfaction from what you do,and you give some happiness to others? You are in the right place…” That kind of place for Lukas is Dj booth! Another come back home at dawn, newly met clubbers whose energy does not let you stop – these are the reasons, that make you do not care about anything else, and the biggest reward is the crawd in front of the dj booth that does not let you leave after you finish your set. However, it is not fame that is the most important in life, but love. Boundless and everlasting love to music.
The beginning was so innocent…
When he was 8, his parents bought him a keyboard he used to play his first melodies. He got interested in club music and Dj’s job when he was 13, and that is how the adventure with modest parties started. Hard work, hours spent in front of musical equipment allowed to get through the curtain and perform in a real club. There’s no doubt that one of Lucca’s biggest steps forward was becoming a resident Dj of one of the most modern clubs in Poland – Club 139. Technical floor with its real club climate, where he performed together with the biggest polish and foreign stars let him spread the wings. But not only Club 139, but a lot of polish clubs that hosted Lucca Mentone let him develop his skills.
And when it was not enough…?
A lot of people realize how hard it is to reach success in Poland. However small steps can do a lot. One of them was releasing in Sensitive Square Records, together with Waveform, a single called “Broken Dreams”.The single appeared in the biggest shops all over the world. After performing in London’s club Colosseum, the next stage that is going on now is working on another (fully independent) single and a trip to the country where “Detroit Techno” was created – USA. Videoclips and performing in front of E-club TV cameras is just a little part of what Lucca Mentone takes up.
Don’t stop...
Don’t rest but continuously go forward, make the dreams become another open chapters of life…” One thing is sure: Lucca Mentone without fans, who let him for continuous development would be nobody. That is why respect for them and desire to do his best behind Dj decks belongs to Lucca’s most important priorities.
If one day you reach the success… why don’t you start today? Only that, who believes in the future, believes also in the present.
OUT NOW! SSR 006 Waveform feat. Lucca Mentone - Broken Dreams
genre: trance
tracklist: 1.Waveform feat Lucca Mentone - Broken Dreams (Original Mix) 2.Waveform feat Lucca Mentone - Broken Dreams (Waveform Remix) 3.Waveform feat Lucca Mentone - Broken Dreams (Trance Element Remix) 4.Waveform feat Lucca Mentone - Broken Dreams (Trance Element Dub Mix)
Available now at:
Lucca Mentone that is Lukasz Sikorski comes from Tarnow. He has been interested in music practically since ever. When he was 8 his parents bought him a keyboard. He used it to play his first melodies. Fascinated by Andre Tannenberg Lucca started to explore secrets of that profession. At first he was involved in school discos, home parties etc..Everything started ”for real” in 2002, when he met Marcin –Trago. At the age of 15 years Lucca performed in a club for the first time, and then he experienced a great breakthrough. He felt that this is something for him. He was learning Dj’s profession suppervised by Trago and reached the level he represents now. At present Mezzi or Lucca Mentone took care of his own productions and remixes of different tunes. He has been a member of E-Club TV crew for more than a year now. E-Club TV is a club television. His plans for near future are issuing his own single and further development of E-Club TV. Preffered music styles are: Progressive, Techno, Electronica...
Rób to co kochasz i dziel sie tym z innymi...
Najwyzszy poziom i stale dazenie do doskonalosci to cechy, które powinny cechowac kazdego Dj’a. Nigdy nie przestawaj sie uczyc, nie bój sie eksperymentowac, szokuj, zaskakuj i nie daj sie zaszufladkowac! – to dewiza, której Lucca Mentone jest podporzadkowany. Kochac i wierzyc w to co sie robi, to klucz do sukcesu a sukces to zadowolenie fanów.
Ambasador ciemnej strony mocy...
Moc, klimat, energia, to trzy cnoty, które charakteryzuja prawdziwego muzyka. „Jestes czescia tego, co dzieje sie w klubie, czujesz satysfakcje z tego co robisz, dajesz odrobine radosci innym? Jestes na wlasciwym miejscu...” Tym miejscem dla Lukasza jest dj’ka! Kolejny powrót do domu o swicie, nowopoznani klubowicze, których energia nie pozwala przestac to powody, które sprawiaja, ze nic innego sie nie liczy a najwieksza zaplata to tlum przed konsola, nie pozwalajacy zejsc po skonczonym secie. Jednak to nie slawa w zyciu jest najwazniejsza lecz milosc. Milosc bezgraniczna i niesmiertelna. Milosc do muzyki.
Zaczelo sie tak niewinnie...
Gdy mial 8 lat rodzice kupili mu keyboard, na którym wygrywal swoje pierwsze melodie. W wieku 13 lat zainteresowal sie muzyka klubowa oraz fachem Dj’a. Tak zaczela sie przygoda ze skromnymi imprezami. Ciezka praca, godziny spedzone przy sprzecie pozwolily przebic sie przez kurtyne i wystapic w prawdziwym klubie. Bez watpienia wielkim krokiem bylo zostanie rezydentem jednego z najnowoczesniejszych klubów w Polsce – Club’u 139. Sala techniczna z prawdziwym klimatem klubowym, na której wystepowal u boku najwiekszych polskich i zagranicznych gwiazd pozwolila rozwinac mu skrzydla. Jednak nie tylko Club 139, a masa polskich klubów w których goscil Lucca Mentone pozwolily na rozwój jego osoby.
A gdy to nie wystarczylo...?
Wielu ludzi zdaje sobie sprawe z tego, jak ciezko osiagnac w Polsce sukces. Jednak malymi krokami mozna zdzialac calkiem sporo. Pierwszym z nich bylo wydanie w najwiekszych swiatowych sklepach singla „Broken Dreams” stworzonego wraz z Waveform’em. Praca nad kolejnym (w pelni samodzielnym) singlem oraz wyprawa do kraju w którym powstalo „Detroit Techno” czyli USA to kolejny etap który jest juz w fazie realizacji. Videoclip czy udzielanie sie przed kamerami E-Club Tv to tylko czesc tego, czym teraz zajmuje sie Lucca Mentone.
Nie zatrzymuj sie...
„Nie spoczac lecz dalej isc przed siebie, sprawic, by marzenia staly sie kolejnymi otwartymi rozdzialami w zyciu...” Jedno jest pewne. Lucca Mentone bez fanów, którzy pozwalaja mu na ciagly rozwój bylby nikim. Dlatego szacunek dla nich i chec dania z siebie za konsola wszystkiego to priorytety o których nie mozna zapomniec.
Jesli któregos dnia masz osiagnac sukces... dlaczego nie zaczniesz od dzisiaj? Tylko ten, kto wierzy w przyszlosc, wierzy tez w terazniejszosc.

My Interests


Member Since: 11/26/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Lukasz Sikorski (Mezzi/Lucca Mentone)
Influences: Daft Punk, Underworld, Schiller, Moby, ATB, James Zabiela, Glenn Morrison
Sounds Like: My music.
Record Label: Sensitive Square Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Witam wszystkich Producentow i Remixerow ;) Pisze w jezyku polskim (bo w innym nie potrafie hehe) a tak na powaznie, dlatego, poniewaz sprawa dotyczy tylko i wylacznie polskich producentow i remixerow...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Nov 2008 10:32:00 GMT

OUT NOW!!! Waveform feat Lucca Mentone - Broken Dreams

Posted by on Thu, 15 May 2008 02:53:00 GMT

Lucca Mentone - White Republic Available Now

    Over 60 min of progressive music... if u want  to listen, just download from the link bellow... njoy! Lucca
Posted by on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 13:56:00 GMT