my FAMILY, dancing, reading, shopping, shoes, bags,
butterflies, music, cooking, eating, coffee, tequila shots,
margaritas, sushi, webdesign, surfing online, magazines,
aromatic candles, SUDOKU, tae-bo, pilates, scrapbooking(digital and paper), problogging
Old/New friends, fellow mommies, shopaholics, nice, funny, quirky, dorky, silly, basically normal people =P.
Pretty much all genre except the honky tonk country music :-).
Gone with the Wind Pride and Prejudice The 10 Commandments The Godfather saga The Count of Monte Cristo The Shawshank Redemption The Phantom of the Opera Finding Neverland Pretty Woman Office Space Joe Dirt Grease The Parent Trap Love Story Reality Bites Shakespeare In Love Emma Flashdance Practical Magic Forest Gump Love Actually Maria Full of Grace Tom Cruise's movies :) Marilyn Monroe movies ALL classic/old movies
PRISON BREAK(OH WENTY!! :P) ALIAS DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES Charmed Friends ER SATC Survivor American Idol XtremeMakeover : HomeEd CSI shows Fear Factor RealWorld/RoadRules Las Vegas FoodTV Network What Not To Wear(TLC & BBC) Oprah ABC Soaps SNL All the Dance Reality Shows
The DaVinci Code Angels and Demons Belladonna Can You Keep A Secret? Suspense(whodunnit)and law related novels Chick lits
My Mama All the great Mommies in the World The Troops