Dexielicious profile picture

Dexielicious's personal, myself and I

About Me

I'm a 30 yr. old Filipina-American happily married (dammit freaks, leave me alone) to a now part time soldier and full time civilian who rocks my world. I'm a mother of an 9 yr old incorrigible smart boy and a new baby girl who is a MINI ME in training.

My Interests

my FAMILY, dancing, reading, shopping, shoes, bags, butterflies, music, cooking, eating, coffee, tequila shots, margaritas, sushi, webdesign, surfing online, magazines, aromatic candles, SUDOKU, tae-bo, pilates, scrapbooking(digital and paper), problogging

I'd like to meet:

Old/New friends, fellow mommies, shopaholics, nice, funny, quirky, dorky, silly, basically normal people =P.


Pretty much all genre except the honky tonk country music :-).


Gone with the Wind Pride and Prejudice The 10 Commandments The Godfather saga The Count of Monte Cristo The Shawshank Redemption The Phantom of the Opera Finding Neverland Pretty Woman Office Space Joe Dirt Grease The Parent Trap Love Story Reality Bites Shakespeare In Love Emma Flashdance Practical Magic Forest Gump Love Actually Maria Full of Grace Tom Cruise's movies :) Marilyn Monroe movies ALL classic/old movies


PRISON BREAK(OH WENTY!! :P) ALIAS DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES Charmed Friends ER SATC Survivor American Idol XtremeMakeover : HomeEd CSI shows Fear Factor RealWorld/RoadRules Las Vegas FoodTV Network What Not To Wear(TLC & BBC) Oprah ABC Soaps SNL All the Dance Reality Shows


The DaVinci Code Angels and Demons Belladonna Can You Keep A Secret? Suspense(whodunnit)and law related novels Chick lits


My Mama All the great Mommies in the World The Troops

My Blog

Dexie Defined

Dexie --[noun]:A person with a sixth sense for detecting the presence of goblins'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.comHardy Har Har...:)...
Posted by Dexielicious on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 05:58:00 PST


Finally I can invite you to visit FORKS. I love this blogging job. Not only because it's about food and cooking but it's also because I get paid for every post. WOOHOOO!I hope you bookmark it. Lots of...
Posted by Dexielicious on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 10:46:00 PST


Online job that is. I am now officially a Problogger. Someone actually hired me?? YUP. I always try to down play my addiction to watching Soap Operas coz I don't want people thinking all I do all day ...
Posted by Dexielicious on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 01:38:00 PST


Dammit! Everytime I thought I added my Christmas song here, The Artist keeps deleting it. FORCRYINGOUTLOUD Mariah, can't you spare 1 song. I'm one of the loyal people who keeps buying your CD eventhou...
Posted by Dexielicious on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 08:01:00 PST


Dear Britney, I've loved you from the very beginning. To me you are like a baby sister I never had. I danced and sang to your music. I considered you one of the most beautiful women in the world. I lo...
Posted by Dexielicious on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 11:27:00 PST


1. Favorite Comfort FoodChocolates2. Favorite Breakfast MealI don't eat breakfast, but I always say YES to Hardees' Grilled Pork Chop Biscuit :)3. Favorite Lunch MealWhatever leftover we have. If the...
Posted by Dexielicious on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 12:12:00 PST


I went to the Hospital at 9am. Registered at the front desk for inducement, waited a couple of minutes was then prepped for my IV about 9:30am.10:45am, I was hooked on the Pitocyn to make the contract...
Posted by Dexielicious on Sun, 27 Aug 2006 08:08:00 PST


29 MORE DAYS TO GO............. am getting scurrred. Don't know why.
Posted by Dexielicious on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 07:13:00 PST


We're having a girl :) 
Posted by Dexielicious on Mon, 01 May 2006 02:27:00 PST


I knew it. I posted a comment to a friend about being a military wife and of course someone thought of a material to write about.And basing it in a movie from Hollywood. Military people know Hollywood...
Posted by Dexielicious on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 10:13:00 PST