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Rei O'Hopeless

I am here for Friends

About Me

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Every day you people make me hate the world more and more. I have realized that the older I get the more cynical I am, far more cynical that I ever thought was possible for one person. Thank you society.I do not view the past as mistakes, or dwell on the things that have happened, but, instead, use the past as a learning tool to ensure that I don't repeat the same events over again.I have learned that if something does sound too good to be true, it probably is, and will destroy your life force. The hardest part of that situation is to walk away, but do it.I have the best husband in the world. I know that every woman/girl under 30 says this, and making you believe that I'm telling the truth is damn near impossible, but it is a fact that my husband is the best. Take any relationship, and tell me how many times there's been a fight between those two people. Now take my relationship, after 2+ years, and not one fight, never yelled at each other, and tell me now that that's not perfect.As much as I hate the world, and most of the people in it there are a few people in it I couldn't live without. -My Husband -My Family -My Friends, the real true friends. I love all of these people, and they have all gotten me through the hardest times, bandaged my wounds, physically and emotionally. And have all made me the person that I am today.I am cynical, and tend to rant about things that piss me off, but at the end of every day, I am truly blessed.

My Interests

I love music, it's a huge part of my life. Thanks to my husband, who is expanding my musical interests everyday with something new and off the wall. I'm getting big in the photography again and have done a few shoots with my friends, but have found that anymore my inspiration comes from inanimate objects rather than people. Give me a run down building or a dark grave yard and I'm in heaven.


Foo Fighters, Mr. Cash, Horrorpops, VNV Nation, Alkaline Trio, Dropkick Murphey's, Flogging Molly, NIN, Ramones, The Queers,The Evil Queens, The White Stripes, Denver Gentlemen , Firewater, 16HP, Osaka Popstar and the Legends of Punk Rock, Das Ich, Social D., Queens of the Stonage, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, Rare Pet Shop Boys, Old Misfits, Dashboard Confessional, Blink 182, New Found Glory, Tiger Army, The Cryptkeepers Five, and the list goes on and on and on...


The Lower the level in the alphabet the more chances that I'll like it. I love B Horror movies, they don't need to be bloody to be good.


Whatever catches and holds my attention for more than 5 min. Having cable has reminded me how much I hate the world.


So far anything by Graham Masterson. Zombie Survival Guide, World War Z, I Am Legend, Machiavellian Tactics, Original Grimm Brother's Fairy Tales, E.A.Poe, H.P.Lovecraft, Anne Rice, The Illuminatus Triligy's, Paradise Lost, The Antichrist......Books good, people bad.


My Mother

My Blog

Economic stimulus or Exploting the poor and ignorant?

So everyone excited that they are going to be getting money from the government this spring/summer. "Wow, I'm going to buy this, I'm going to do that...blah blah blah." Has any of these people actaull...
Posted by Rei O'Hopeless on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 08:06:00 PST

Good Bye being a fat kid

These are my before pictures, just so everyone gets a good look at what I look like, I'm on a real diet and I'm working hard at not being a fat kid anymore. ...
Posted by Rei O'Hopeless on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 08:12:00 PST

Greedy Bastards

Like they don't make enough money as it is If I was in a band and someone went to the trouble to find and download my music...I wouldn't be pissed, I wouldn't sue, I'd be flattered that someone liked ...
Posted by Rei O'Hopeless on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 06:25:00 PST

I like butterflys: A rant on oblivion and procreation

Issue 1: People who claim to be "very observant" people, who in reality are the most oblivious, self centered, idiots you have ever met. I think some how they get the word observant confused with obli...
Posted by Rei O'Hopeless on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 05:47:00 PST

Maybe I should have a child...

...and give birth to the anti-Christ, that way I can start the process of ending modern society as we know it. This realization all came from a visit to the zoo followed by 6 hours at work. When goin...
Posted by Rei O'Hopeless on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 06:06:00 PST

Ok so I know it's been a while since I have put anything on here...

I have determined lately that I need to start putting into motion the events that need to take place inorder for me to start my life. There are 4 things that I want out of life and I have all of them ...
Posted by Rei O'Hopeless on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 09:32:00 PST