About Me
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The History of the Trio
Maybe the beginning of the History could be dated on the year of 1991, At that time, Ferkó, a boy from the country spent all of his free time at the „Ráday Klubâ€, a very famous former Rockabilly location of Budapest, going to Rockabilly Gigs and drinkin’ beer :) . And then he started to play the guitar, which he learned in an autodidactical way.
In the year of 1991, Joszti was sitting in the primary school of Budaörs, but two years later, he was drinkin’ beer on gigs in enormous quantity :) . After many hardcore and punk concerts he started to drum, and in 1997, he bought his first drums.
In 1991, Marci from Érd started to play the guitar, instructed by his brother, on a six strings guitar. He didn’t like it that much, so, in the year of 1994, he changed to four strings and invested in a bass guitar branded „Fightâ€, which costed at time 17.500,- HUF.
In 1997, the two guitar players have found each other and started playing together in the cellar of Ferkó’s flat, just for fun. They hadn’t a drummer, and were searching one for years.
In 2003, they had succes, and have met Joszti, who and Ferkó had knew from seeing each other, because they have been living four streets away from each other, but the one didn’t know that the other plays an instrument. On a Sunday, Ferkó asked Joszti, if he wants to join the Band. Joszti said „Yesâ€, and on the same day, he put on his Bill Haley bakelite discs to get the drum themes in the right way.
In two weeks after the first practice together, the Band gave his first gig in the Budaörs Cultural Centre. At this first show, they played 10-11 songs, which was a great performance after only two weeks of practicing together.
Since that time, the drums of the Band were changed, and the Band had been increased with a double bass, and with enthusiastic fans.