About Me
I love hot chocolate,bubbles, cheese, sunny days, long walks by myself, long talks with the people I love, MTV, VH1, Fuse, long hot baths, dogs, Robot Chicken, baking, the feeling of mud between my toes,babies, furry little animals, reading, playing Twister,Changing myself, being challeged, falling in love, blue skys, full moons, storms, comic books, dancing around in my underwear singing into my hair straightner,pasta, Nikki May Reynolds, my mom, being on stage, Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, Sno Cones, and Cappuccino. I hate being alone, the cold, bannanas, rejection, blood, spiders, clowns, heights, not being able to find the right thing to wear, intolerance, bad hair days, feeling ugly, crows, pineapple and coconut, being confused, bats, loose change, and being bored. I am an actress. My whole life is an act. Even when I am not on stage, I am always changing to fit who I am with. I am a chamelion. I am trying to change that. I am just a girl. One with ups and downs, likes and dislikes, good days and bad days. Take me for what I am or leave me be. I have enough true friends. I don't need you. I want you but I don't need you. So only add me if you really want to be my friend.