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mayA mayA mayA..boY do i haVe a Lot to sAY aboUt heR.. i knO im craZY but shE dON't seEm to mInd thAt.. i lOve beiing around hER and i alwAys lauGh.. shE is the beSt friEnd a giRl coUld eveR have....shE has definitEly chaNged the waY i loOk at liiFe....
luCy.... uR the drAmatiC type.. i liiKe watChing u cOme up wiTh the mOst random thinGs in thE worLd.. buT verY trUE thinGs....anD ur taSte in muSic iS aweSome;)
mrS. emO giRl..KISS ME IM CONTAGIOUS!LMAO!! onlY u anD me knO thaT insIde jOke.. and maYbe ur bf iF he gOt a clUe;)
Jk hes kOOl toO..