Rachel Ray, Paula Deen, The Rock, Brad Pitt, Tommy Lee, etc....
I love all kinds of music. Everything from Metallica to Eagles, Heart, Dr. Dre & Snoop Dogg, Tupac, Faith Hill, Tim McGraw....etc....
I am a movie buff, Love watching movies a few of my favorites are 50 First Dates.The Notebook, Pretty Woman, Happy Gilmore, Waterboy, Wedding Planner, Horse Whisperer, Face Off, The Rock.....
I usually watch Cooking shows Paula and Rachel Emeril. Charmed or Dancing with the Stars. Football...any sport that is on me and Ricky are usually watching.
I don't get much time in fro reading these days, Noah takes up most of my free time. I have been reading most of the Harry Potter Series, What to expect from your Toddler.
My Heroes are:My Mom, I love her more than she knows. She showed me through her love how to be a Mom and a woman. My sister Jameie, she has grown into the most beautiful, hard working woman. I am so proud of her!!Most people let you down, family picks you back up!! I love you guys!!!!!!