art, music, bombin' hills on my skateboard,dream travel
humans and animals/plants
coltrane,davis,monk,sun ra,bird,diz,13 floor elevators,kinks,boredoms,boris,green milk,acid mothers temple,oneida,can,flaming lips, temptaions, curtis mayfield, marvyn gaye,geaorge clinton and the parlimant,johnny cash, de la soul, black sheep, tribe called quest.TV ON THE RADIO, Darc Mind, madlib,quas, mfdoom, modill,j dilla,PBW,HELLA, FRODUS, FUGAZI,angels of light,animal collective,panda bear,prefuse 73,boards of canada,devandra banhart, bob dylan, beatles, hendrix, mogwai, earth, godspeed, comets on fire, dead meadow,decahedron, bad brains, sonic youth,misfits,human pippi armstrong,wu-tang, odd nosdam,cloudead,13 and god,akron family,zeke,torche,john spencer blues explosion,the cramps, shit ton more
clock work orange, thx 1138, dawn of the dead, night of the living dead, evil dead 1-3,shit tons of skate videos. welcome to hell,misled youth,yeah right,baker vids,donnie darko, 28 days later, turtles 1 and 2,waking life,star wars, lotr,magical mystery tour,yellow submarine,full metal jacket,2001 a space odyssey, IT, Back to the future 1 and 2, the fifth element,renegade, royal tenenbaums, dumb and dumber, billy madison,pans labrynth, harry and the hendersons,stranger than fiction, eternal sunshine, science of sleep, rainbow bridge hehe,stripes,superbad,holy mountain, el topo, sante sangre,roger rabbit,RAD,skateboard kid 1 and 2,all dogs go to heaven,david lynch movies and tv series...oh and uh that one movie...uh...
lost, south park, its always sunny, flight of the conchords, battlestar galactica
seventeen magazine
basically just the ninja turtles and brittany spears