Ish is a small independent label crookin straight out of Zurich and has released a couple of worthwile records so far:
Dimlite Remixes 12 inch, Ish Records 2009
J.Sayne's Estrawlogy Mix - download for free HERE
Elephant Beach (Thaione Davis & J. Sayne) " Escape " Ish Records 2006
Arkstar " Individual Electric Pitch çifte Modulators " Ish Records 2005
" The Now Factor ", compilation featuring Dimlite, Dreas, Meaty Ogre, J. Sayne, Reezm and others, Ish Records 2005
Offwhyte, Reezm & En Sayne " Crossing The Potomac " Ish Records 2004
En Sayne Whorter " Somewhere In Ydobon " Ish Records 2004
Reezm " The Traveller " Ish Records 2003
To listen to more music with that Ish click on the album titles
To get more info about the label, artists or releases, go directly to our website
To throw that Ish onto your i-pod and computer go to i-Tunes, or other online music stores
But you better buy that Ish on record anyway, you dig?!, for instance here:
Hum Records
Mustaches, Glasses and Beards