.. first and foremost
NO drinking
NO drugs
NO smoking
NO meat
NO being lame
Josh is the most important entity in my life.
I will break a date with you to be with him.
Get over it.
If at all possible, however, I will invite you along and we can hum/belt riffs to the theme song of Jurassic Park and have an epic time together.
mtbiking is a new pass time. I'm terrible at it.
I consider true friends family and true family blood through beliefs and wisdom. My family is small but strong and able to overcome any tidal wave.
I'm straight edge.
get over it
it's not funny to offer me a beer
I'm vegan
get over it
it's not funny to offer me meat...so don't
Bates, Chuck Norris, Gearleg9billion, Demon and 3 Pounds of coke are my friends. Don't mess with me or you mess with them!
I believe EVERYONE should take care of EVERYONE so that no one is caught starving.
greed is the downfall of mankind
church is the downfall of God
I'm possibly a Christian.
I don't believe Hell exists for you or me.
God loves everyone unconditionally as a mom loves her baby.
If her baby sins could mom stomach passing her baby through a ball of fire...didn't think so...catch my drift.
there's a gale a blowin.
Are there horses in Texas?
You're outta the will.
Triple fart in my butt.
Have a nice trip. See you next fall.
Beaning it.