Amy Lynn's Voice Overs ( profile picture

Amy Lynn's Voice Overs (

Voice of An Angel

About Me

About Amy Lynn
Amy Lynn's Personal Testimony
"She learned to run before she learned to walk"- Amy's mother.
"She came out with a cigar in one hand, and a bottle of champagne in the other and said 'Lookout world here I come!'" - Amy's mother, who died in 1992.
How often those words rang true throughout my life. I was always one step ahead of the game.Thanks to an elder sister who taught me to write in cursive before I even reachedKindergarten. I always had someone there to look out for me and offer me guidance, in someway. Even if the guidance was not good, it was still there to listen to, and see.
The story behind my name is this: My first name Amy came about from two reasons. My great grandmother's first name is Amy. And when my mother was a little girl her favorite doll's name was Amy. Amy means beloved; loved.
My middle name, Lynn came from my aunt Linda, my mother's sister. Lynn means cascade; waterfall. Linda means Beautiful; gentle; soft. So basically, I'm a beloved, beautiful waterfall.
I have been in many plays before at church, home and school. Though it was my mother who said my sister was the world's greatest actress, so for me to be in this industry and not her is a bit of a twist. Another interesting twist is I'm tongue tied. And yes there really is a real medical condition called that. My mother was so tongue tied that before she even left thehospital her tongue was cut. I have yet to get my cut, maybe when I no longer care to dovoiceovers I'll have that done. As I will have to learn to speak again.
I have often been told by gentlemen that I had a lovely addicting voice, but no one evermentioned to me that I had a voice for radio till I joined in chat. No one ever mentioned tome how I could be more than I already was without much work. But being headstrong I decided Icould make something out of nothing. Which is what brought you here.
Voice Over work for me is more than a job, I take it very serious. It has become a hobby.It's something I very much so enjoy doing. And that's what a job should be, something youlove. Because you will shine no matter what.
I started doing this as a joke. I wanted to prove others wrong about my voice. Instead Iended up proving them right. After much research, training and development both website andvoice, became a professional.
I am happy where I am in life. God has truly blessed me and I thank the Lord for all of itdaily.
Amy Lynn's Links:
Amy Lynn's Voice Overs
Amy Lynn's Personal MySpace Page
Annika's Over 700 Surveys
Amy Lynn's MSN Blog
Amy Lynn's Book and CD's Store
Amy Lynn's Store

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Personal Disclaimer: If what I wrote bothers you or offends you in anyway, be it personal or assumed personal you may stop reading at anytime.
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My Interests


Member Since: 11/25/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Amy Lynn
Influences: God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the church, my mother, my best friend Kim, my cousin Sue and of course my aunt Linda. My mother, Kim, Sue, and Linda are all strong female Christians. I like to surround myself with those that have the living water, so I may produce spiritual works and grow in Christ. I find it important to be around those that feed me and not drain me. Which has guided my life and I have received countless blessings because of it. I have the gift of prophesy which has also helped guide my everyday business, including the cover design of the CD's.
Sounds Like: I am unique, my voice doesn't sound like ANYONE else. If I did, I wouldn't have this job, and it's all natural baby! No editing required. God has truly blessed me in more ways than I could ever count. And, he's blessed those I work with.

Below is some of my work, which I was paid for and you can too by signing up here: Associated Content

Amy Lynn's Article on "Clean your Computer or Laptop's CPU Fan" Was Featured Content on Associated Content.

Also one of my articles was nomiated to be featured on Associated Content.

I added and created the below since I'm actually in the acting field of work, not to copy anyone.

If you wish to contact me directly please email :
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Tithing by Amy Lynn

In the Old Testament it was the law in to give 10% of everything they earned and grew to the Church or Temple. That tithe was basically taxation for the needs of the priests, much like we are taught t...
Posted by Amy Lynn's Voice Overs ( on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 10:03:00 PST

Praise is What I do by Amy Lynn

As we all know life can be hard. There are times of storms, and there are times of calm. When we under attack it's hard to turn the other cheek, but that is what the bible teaches us. It teaches us to...
Posted by Amy Lynn's Voice Overs ( on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 09:56:00 PST

God Bless You, (even if I don't mean it at 1st) by Amy Lynn

Many people these days have bad anger issues, or the occasional person that annoys you to no end. I have read dozens of self help books from "The Art of Conversation" to "How to Argue and Win Every Ti...
Posted by Amy Lynn's Voice Overs ( on Fri, 25 May 2007 08:46:00 PST

Hard Time Staying Focused While Praying? by Amy Lynn

It's more common than you think to not be able to stay focused while praying. It's even harder for those with the gift of prophesy. Something I learned from a Pastor is those that have the gift of pro...
Posted by Amy Lynn's Voice Overs ( on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 02:47:00 PST

Amy Lynn's Personal Testimony

Amy's Personal Testimony It's not what God can do for you but what you can do for God. He's not there for us to use, but for him to use us. Why when a person says they are a Christian do other people ...
Posted by Amy Lynn's Voice Overs ( on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 09:02:00 PST