If you know me, you love me, if you don't know me yet, find out more about me here and you will love me.
Below is a description about Omega from the official site, www.eomega.org
Also check out www.trailer34.com (Seasonal staff member, Andy's website where a lot of these gorgeous pictures are from) and his website for former staff to connect: www.omeganomads.com
the myspace group I started here is: http://groups.myspace.com/omegans
and the You Tube channel: www.youtube.com/profile?user=TheOmegaInstitute
ONE DISCLAIMER PLEASE!!!- In trying to add this profile, if it's obvious that I would know you are connected to Omega send me a message and I will add you back. If you are a band or seemingly friend-collector type myspacer trying to add this profile, please let me know if you are somehow connected to, through having worked here, having a friend who has, interested in taking a workshop, or just genuinely interested in Omega. Sorry for the inconvience, but this page is getting attacked by spammers. This page is not intended to promote the Omega Insitute nor is it officially affiliated with it. Go to www.eomega.org for information on workshops or how to apply. This page was started by a former staff member to give Omega a space on the ever-growing, and for the most part culturally-devoid world of myspace :)Omega was founded in 1977 at a time when holistic health, psychological inquiry, world music and art, meditation, and new forms of spiritual practice were just budding in American culture. The mission was as simple as it was large: To look everywhere for the most effective strategies and inspiring traditions that might help people bring more meaning and vitality into their lives.Since then, Omega has become the nation's largest holistic learning center. Every year more than 20,000 people attend workshops, retreats, and conferences on its 195-acre campus in the countryside of Rhinebeck, New York, and at other sites around the country.While Omega has grown, our mission remains the same. Omega is not aligned with any particular healing method or spiritual tradition. Our programs feature all of the world's wisdom traditions and are committed to offering people an opportunity to explore their own path to better health, personal growth, and inner peace.The name "Omega" was inspired by the writings of Teilhard de Chardin, a 20th-century mystic and philosopher who used the word "Omega" to describe the point where all thought converges. This refers particularly to that point within each one of us where our inner, spiritual nature meets our outer, worldly nature. Teilhard believed that in the synthesis of these two domains of life lay the greatest challenge—and the greatest hope—for human evolution. Of his belief in the balance between world and spirit, Teilhard wrote, "I am going to broadcast the seed and let the wind carry it where it will."Omega has taken on the task of helping spread that seed so that a better world for all of us can continue to take root and grow.