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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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I am a very proud parent of one ambitious, brolic and handsome son-Shaun, who is in College. (kind of conceited right-I got a reason). He's my heartbeat and at all times I am improving myself to be a positive mentor for him. I love my child to death!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I strongly believe in self-love. One has to first love him/herself- with all your faults, flaws and imperfections, be totally confident about who you are, when others see that vibes and positive energy transmitting from you, it is easier for them to also LOVE and ACCEPT you for who you are!!!!! I am a very positive person who loves life, but hate the follies and the negativity that blows one's way every now and then from the haters. People who bask and thrive in drama, destructive gossip and rumor...stay the hell away from me. I refuse to waste my precious time around unhappy people who attempt to draw others in their confined web of baggages, bitterness, jealousy, insecurity and misery, that ain't my style. After all you are not the only ones in life who went through your struggles and misfortunes- Keep strong and move on and do not take it out on others,who had nothing to do with your situations!!!I allow no one to define who I am, because people's perception of me do not bother me, that's only their opinion, they deal with it!!!That's the reality of life anyway. People will always have negative things to say, whether you do GOOD or NOT. My philosophy is just " Brush my shoulders off, walk tall and continue to do me." You cannot please the entire world NEVER!!! YOU WOULD BE A FOOL IF YOU EVER TRY TO... I am comical and treat everyone as a part of God's lovely creation, as I truly think everyone is SPECIAL IN HIS/HER OWN WAY. I luv to clown around and have fun doing it. I am a liberal giver and enjoy making others happy in whatever way I can.. I give from the heart at all times, expecting nothing in return, but God's constant blessings upon me,my family and friends.TRUE FRIENDSHIP IS VERY HARD TO FIND AND WHEN YOU COME ACROSS THOSE PERSONS WHO CAN ALWAYS BE YOUR TRUE FRIENDS UNCONDITIONALLY-TREASURE HIM/HER DEARLY.THANK GOD I HAVE FOUND THAT TRUE FRIEND...MY BEST FRIEND ANTOINETTE- BEST FRIENDS FOR LIFE!!!! Thanks for those who have taken my generosity for stupidity.To those who have abused,deceived, used,misused and displayed their true self. YOUR BULLSHIT HAVE NOT ONLY MAKE ME STRONGER, BUT MOST DEFINITELY WISER. Mark my words "DA GAME AIN'T OVER.IT HAS JUST BEGAN."I WILL NOT STOP UNTIL I REACH THE TOP.SUCCESS WILL BE MINE. I CAN JUST TASTE IT.IT'S JUST A MATTER OF TIME. CAN'T HOLD AN AMBITIOUS AND GOOD WOMAN DOWN,THAT HAS A CLEAN HEART AND KEEPS IT REAL.

My Interests

Hanging with my fam at some party or get together (they know how to throw down a damn good party), shopping,bowling,jogging, going to the gym,going to the movies, plays,meeting interesting, genuine and positive people, doing community services such as helping the eldery and people who are in need, whether it be in the form of donating, food, clothes, money or my time. (Do not get it wrong, I am no Donald Trump or Oprah now, but I give from the little I have- If there is a genuine cause).I find fulfillment in extending these services.

I'd like to meet:

First and foremost GOD who have kept me strong and alive through life's dramas and obstacles. Thanking him for bestowing his many blessings upon me,which I am always appreciative of. Next: Halle Berry,Beyonce, Fantasia, Mary. J. Blige,Denzel Washington, Janet Jackson, Keisha Cole,Oprah Winfrey,President Clinton, Usher.


All genres: Calypso, Country,Gospel (Cannot keep the Creator out of the picture- He is the one who sustains life.) Hip Hop, Jazz, Neo-Soul, R&B, Reggae. I have to have music around me all the time. Music keeps me going.It gives me such drive, energy and motivation even when I am down and out!!!!!!!!!


Best Man, The Godfather, The Negotiator, Traffic, AeonFlux
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Grey's Anatomy, Desparate Housewives, CSI, One Three Hill, The OC, Law and Order.


Romance, Science Fictions.


My parents for encouraging me at all times. Keep letting me know that I am a true survivor and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.There were times when I could not see eye to eye with them,but I thank them both for their guidance and wisdom and the times when they exercised TOUGH LOVE!!!. It has certainly make me become a better person. Always refocusing me and letting me know at all times that they have my back, whenever I need them...
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My Blog


1) Don't live your life to please people.2) Don't depend on externals to help you get ahead. If you are going to accomplish it has to come from within.3) Strive for the greatest possible harmony and c...
Posted by Marie on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 05:44:00 PST


Waking up in the mornings and inspite of poor health right now... I still celebrate life and have faith that God is going to restore my health. I might be in the valley right now but my soul is lookin...
Posted by Marie on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 08:32:00 PST


1) Follow your heart. " This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you choose. You can waste it or use it for good, what you do today is very important because you are ...
Posted by Marie on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 03:36:00 PST


1) The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success only and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning. Oprah Winfrey 2) Love yourself for...
Posted by Marie on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 06:32:00 PST


I have grown to realize it is best to focus and look only to the one and only true Creator who is God my Father. It is a cold, cruel, mean and selfish world out there..... To be honest it sometimes sc...
Posted by Marie on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 04:15:00 PST


"It s not fair to ask others what you are not willing to do yourself" Eleanor Roosevelt"Genuius is one precent inspiration and ninety percent perspiration"  Thomas Edison"I do not try to dance b...
Posted by Marie on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 04:07:00 PST


I am very assertive and will tell you my mind in a minute. I am not about the pretense, what you see is exactly what you get!!! I am not here to bullshit around or to kiss any asses.Do not get me wron...
Posted by Marie on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 01:56:00 PST