Hanging with my fam at some party or get together (they know how to throw down a damn good party), shopping,bowling,jogging, going to the gym,going to the movies, plays,meeting interesting, genuine and positive people, doing community services such as helping the eldery and people who are in need, whether it be in the form of donating, food, clothes, money or my time. (Do not get it wrong, I am no Donald Trump or Oprah now, but I give from the little I have- If there is a genuine cause).I find fulfillment in extending these services.
All genres: Calypso, Country,Gospel (Cannot keep the Creator out of the picture- He is the one who sustains life.) Hip Hop, Jazz, Neo-Soul, R&B, Reggae. I have to have music around me all the time. Music keeps me going.It gives me such drive, energy and motivation even when I am down and out!!!!!!!!!
Best Man, The Godfather, The Negotiator, Traffic, AeonFlux
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Grey's Anatomy, Desparate Housewives, CSI, One Three Hill, The OC, Law and Order.
Romance, Science Fictions.
My parents for encouraging me at all times. Keep letting me know that I am a true survivor and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.There were times when I could not see eye to eye with them,but I thank them both for their guidance and wisdom and the times when they exercised TOUGH LOVE!!!. It has certainly make me become a better person. Always refocusing me and letting me know at all times that they have my back, whenever I need them...
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