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The Official Fan Club: LCDY call DY305-432-9902 TALENTO DE BARRIO in stores NOW!! Talento de barrio the movie in the

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The Big Boss Daddy YankeeClick on the logo's to Vote for Daddy Yankee's single "Pose"!!!!

Movie Trailer - Talento de Barrio
Ella me levanto Somos de calle Pose Somos de calle (Remix)

The Official FanClub: Las Cangris de Daddy Yankee
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El primer álbum de estudio de Daddy Yankee desde su producción multi-platinoEl Cartel: The Big Boss en el 2007, promete romper todos los esquemas de lamúsica. Talento de Barrio: El Soundtrack, de su sello El Cartel Records,presenta "Pose" como su primer sencillo oficial el cual ya ha ocupado más de10 semanas consecutivas en el primer lugar de las listas urbanas deBillboard. La banda sonora de la película que significa el debut de DaddyYankee en el cine saldrá a la venta el 12 de agosto del 2008 para continuarexpandiendo el poder del reggaetón por el mundo con participacionesespeciales de Arcángel, Randy y los productores Eli "Musicólogo" y Menes. Para Daddy Yankee, Talento de Barrio: El Soundtrack marca un paso agigantadoen su fenomenal carrera, la cual lo ha llevado de los barrios de San Juan,Puerto Rico, a ser nombrado uno de los 100 más influyentes en el mundo porla revista Time y a recibir un homenaje por la prestigiosa Universidad deHarvard. "Este CD va agarrado de la mano con la película. Es un concepto de músicaurbana de la calle, pero tomamos el sabor del barrio y lo evolucionamos,venimos con nuevas ideas y temas", dijo el astro internacional desde PuertoRico, donde continúa afinando los detalles de esta nueva producción. A pesar de la diversidad que presenta Talento de Barrio: El Soundtrack contemas bailables, sociales y románticos, todos están relacionados a la cintaque estrenaría a mediados de agosto en Puerto Rico y en otoño en EstadosUnidos, relata la lucha de los jóvenes por salir hacia delante aún cuandosus circunstancias tratan de impedirlo. "Pose" presenta una mezcla de música hip hop, disco, con ritmos latinos yafro americanos y un toque de música europea. "Cuando doy shows veo que todoel mundo tiene una cámara y están dando la mejor pose, especialmente lasmujeres. Me pareció curioso como siempre queremos lucir bien, de ahí lainspiración al tema", dijo el cantante. El público urbano pudo disfrutar una primicia de Talento de Barrio: ElSoundtrack con la difusión de "Somos calle", que también cuenta con unvideo. "Pa-Kumpa" y "Suelta", ambos producidos por Musicólogo y Menes. Laproducción incluye además participaciones especiales como en "Pasión"featuring Arcángel y "Salgo pa' la calle" con la interpretación especial deRandy y "Llamado de emergencia", los dos últimos producidos por Luny Tunes,están incluidas en este reciente trabajo musical de Daddy Yankee. Otra gransorpresa es la participación musical de Elvis Crespo, como arreglista deltema "De la paz y de la guerra" una explosiva fusión musical. "Una paso al frente en la música" El Cartel: The Big Boss fue el disco más vendido del año de 2007 y recibióla distinción de Álbum Del Año en los Premios Billboard del 2008, por ventasde sobre un millón de copias a nivel mundial. Este logro convirtió en DaddyYankee en ser el artista que más discos ha vendido en los pasados tres años. En el 2006, su edición en vivo CD/DVD de Barrio Fino en Directo fue el álbumlatino más vendido en el 2006, según la revista Billboard. Daddy Yankee fuenombrado Artista del Año en los Premios Billboard a la Música Latina y enlos MTV Video Music Awards Latinoamérica, Compositor del Año en ASCAP yArtista Urbano del año en Premios Lo Nuestro de Univisión. Junto al honor dela revista Time, People en Español lo nombró entre los 100 Más Influyentesen su edición del pasado enero. Con su tiro rápido al improvisar y su lírica inteligente, Daddy Yankee ayudóa internacionalizar el sonido del reggaetón. En el 2004, "Gasolina" de suálbum Barrio Fino se convirtió en el himno musical urbano que puso alreggaetón en el mapa en el ámbito mundial y DY fue el primer artista delgénero con ventas multi-platino certificadas. La influencia de Daddy Yankee en el género va de la mano con su visiónempresarial. Además de ser fundador y CEO de su propio sello discográfico ycompañía de manejo, fue el portavoz de Pepsi y para Reebok ha creado sulínea de calzado deportivo "Daddy Yankee by RBK", una línea de zapatillasdeportivas, camisetas y accesorios, disponibles a nivel nacional einternacional. Su película Talento de Barrio, donde el intérprete debutacomo actor y productor ejecutivo, saldrá en los Estados Unidos este otoño. Daddy Yankee tampoco se le olvida de donde viene. En su natal Puerto Ricoofrece a los niños de los residenciales públicos conciertos gratuitos cadatemporada navideña y otras ocasiones especiales, siempre acompañado deregalos y donativos. Recientemente hizo una alianza con el Departamento deEducación y el periódico El Nuevo Día donde adoptó a 16 escuelas con elprograma de su inspiración "Blinblineando las escuelas" donde le aportó alas escuelas del sistema público computadoras, fuentes de agua potable,canchas y equipos deportivos. Asimismo, es parte del gabinete decelebridades de la Cruz Roja Americana y trabaja arduamente en su FundaciónCorazón Guerrero cuyo lema es "Ayudar al que nadie ayuda", este añoiniciaron el fondo de becas "Edúcate con Impacto".Daddy Yankee’s first studio album since the 2007 multi-platinum selling El Cartel: The Big Boss promises to completely change the face of music. Talento de Barrio: El Soundtrack from Yankee’s own El Cartel Records features “Pose” as its first single, one which has already topped the Billboard urban charts for over twelve weeks. The soundtrack to Yankee’s cinematic debut will hit shelves August 12, 2008 and promises to shake the world of reggaeton with special appearances by Arcangel, Randy, and top producers Eli “Musicologo” and Menes. For Yankee, Talento de Barrio: El Soundtrack marks another huge step in what has turned out to be a phenomenal career, which has taken him from the streets of San Juan, Puerto Rico, to being deemed one of the hundred most influential artists by Time Magazine. Harvard University has also celebrated his talent by bestowing him with an honorary degree. “This CD goes hand in hand with the movie. Its major influence is urban music but we mixed it up and let it evolve by adding music from ‘el barrio.’ We came up with fresh ideas,” said Yankee, working from Puerto Rico to fine tune all the important details of this latest production. Although all the songs on Talento de Barrio: El Soundtrack are different, from danceable to romantic, they all revolve around the plot of Yankee’s flick, scheduled to debut in Puerto Rico in August and the United States in the Fall. The film relates the struggles young people face when they try to improve their lives and break free from squalid surroundings. “Pose” presents a mix of Hip Hop and disco, with Latin and African American rhythms, and a touch of Euro beats. “When I’m at shows, I see almost everyone with a camera and they’re all trying to give the best pose, especially the women. It’s interesting to me how we’re always trying to look good. That’s the inspiration for the song,” Yankee said. Fans of the rapper are in for a surprise with the release of the next single, “Somos de calle,” which will also feature a music video. “Pa-Kumpa” and “Suelta,” both of which were produced by Musicologo and Menes. The album counts with the help of other talented artists, including Arcangel in the song “Pasion” and “Sal pa’ la calle” with Randy and “Llamado de emergencia,” both of which were produced by Luny Tunes. Perhaps the most surprising of all is a cameo by Elvis Crespo, who composed “De la paz y de la guerra,” an explosive fusion of music. Yankee’s last musical venture El Cartel: The Big Boss was the biggest selling album of 2007 and was named Album of the Year at the 2008 Billboard Awards, topping over one million copies sold worldwide. This feat officially made Yankee the best selling artist of the last three years. According to Billboard Magazine, his live CD/DVD Barrio Fino en Directo was 2006’s biggest selling Latin album. He was named Artist of the Year at The Billboard Latin Music Awards and the MTV Latin American Video Music Awards; Composer of the Year by ASCAP, and Urban Artist of the Year at Univision’s Premios Lo Nuestro. People en Espanol also named him one of the 100 Most Influential People in its January issue. Packing rapid-fire lyrical improvisation, Daddy Yankee helped make reggaeton an international sound. In 2004, “Gasolina” from his album Barrio Fino became the official anthem of the reggaeton movement, and Yankee became the first artist of his kind to sell multi-platinum records. Daddy’s success runs far beyond the stage and spills over into his innate talent for business ventures. Aside from being founder and CEO of his own record label and management group, he served as spokesman for Pepsi and Reebok; has designed for his clothing line, “Daddy Yankee by RBK,” that includes shirts, hats, and other urban accessories. His movie, Talento de Barrio, where he makes his acting debut and serves as Executive Producer, hits the States this Fall. Daddy Yankee always remembers his roots. During the holidays, he offers underprivileged youths free concerts and always shows up bearing hundreds of gifts. He recently collaborated with the Department of Education and El Nuevo Dia newspaper to spearhead his “Bling blinging Schools” initiative, in which he adopted 16 schools and donated new computers, water fountains, and sports equipment. He is also part of the American Red Cross’s celebrity cabinet and works hard with Fundacion Corazon Guerrero, whose goal is to “Help those no one wants to help.” This year he also founded his scholarship program “Educate con Impacto.”Click on the picture to ADD US!♥Yulie♥
Somos Las Cangris de Daddy Yankee, un club de fans con una sola finalidad:Llevar el nombre de Daddy Yankee por todas partes del mundo. Este fan club nacio en el 2005 en Los Angeles, California, Idea de Yuliana Tinoco y Ana Munoz que ahora son las actual presidentas de Las Cangris de Daddy Yankee. Al igual que Cindy Acosta, la vice-presidenta. La idea surgio por la admiracion que tenemos por El Rey del reggaeton, no solamente como cantante si no por su sencilles, su humildad y carisma. Las Cangris se han ido expandiendo en casi toda la Union Americana, Estados Unidos ,Puerto Rico, Mexico, España, Venezuela, con el fanclub King Daddy en Chile, Panama, Peru y mas paises por unirse, aparte de las cuidades en Estados Unidos como Florida, Chicago, El area de la Bahia, Nueva York, Washington, y Nevada. El club ya tiene un total de mas de 2,100 fans y suigen creciendo cada dia mas. El Club de Fans a realisado serie de eventos con los jovenes y adultos de su club y han ganado competencias como el Fan Club mas Activo en Los Angeles. Las Cangris tienen una gran coleccion de objetos, desde posters hasta articulos que se venden de la linea de ropa del artista. Gracias a la ayuda de Nomar,Willo,Milton, Myreddys y todo el personal de El Cartel Records y al show de Radio, "On Fuego" especialmente a Jewels y Dj Creme por hacer que este club de fans sea el mejor y para informar a los fanaticos sobre la carrera de El Cangri. Nunca pensabamos llegar a donde ahora estamos. Aqui siempre estaremos apoyando a Daddy Yankee The Big Boss! y Gracias a todos los miembros del club de fans por ser los mejores! We are Las Cangris de Daddy Yankee, a fan club with one goal: to have Daddy Yankee's music known all over the World. This Fan Club was founded in 2005 in Los Angeles, California, by Yuliana Tinoco and Ana Munoz which are currently the fan club Presidents. With the help of Cindy Acosta the Fan Club Vice-President. The idea to create the fan club was brought up for the great admiration we have for the King of Reggaeton, not only as a singer, but also because he is a great person and is really down-to-earth. Las Cangris have been expanding throughout the American Union, as well as the United States, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Spain, Venezuela, the fan club KING DADDY in Chile, Panama, Peru and more countries to come. Also, the States in the U.S that have United with us such as, Florida, Chicago, The Bay Area, New York, Washington, and Nevada. The Club has a total of more than 2,100 members and keep growing everyday. The Fan Club has organized various events with the teenagers and adults in the club and have won competitions as the most Active Fan Club in Los Angeles. Las Cangris have a great collection of objects such as posters and Daddy Yankee's clothing line attire, such as shirts, shoes and hats. Thanks for all the help to Nomar, Willo, Milton, Mireddys as well as all the people behind El Cartel Records and Daddy Yankee's radio show "On Fuego", especially to Jewelz and Dj Creme for always sending us love and for keeping all the fans informed about El Cangri's Career. We never thought about making it this far. We will always be supporting Daddy Yankee: The Big Boss! and THANKS to all of our Fan Club members for being the greatest people ever!! We are Las Cangris de Daddy Yankee, a fan club with one goal: to have Daddy Yankee's music known all over the World. This Fan Club was founded in 2005 in Los Angeles, California, by Yuliana Tinoco and Ana Munoz which are currently the fan club Presidents. With the help of Cindy Acosta the Fan Club Vice-President. The idea to create the fan club was brought up for the great admiration we have for the King of Reggaeton, not only as a singer, but also because he is a great person and is really down-to-earth. Las Cangris have been expanding throughout the American Union, as well as the United States, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Spain, Venezuela, the fan club KING DADDY in Chile, Panama, Peru and more countries to come. Also, the States in the U.S that have United with us such as, Florida, Chicago, The Bay Area, New York, Washington, and Nevada. The Club has a total of more than 2,100 members and keep growing everyday. The Fan Club has organized various events with the teenagers and adults in the club and have won competitions as the most Active Fan Club in Los Angeles. Las Cangris have a great collection of objects such as posters and Daddy Yankee's clothing line attire, such as shirts, shoes and hats. Thanks for all the help to Nomar, Willo, Milton, Mireddys as well as all the people behind El Cartel Records and Daddy Yankee's radio show "On Fuego", especially to Jewelz and Dj Creme for always sending us love and for keeping all the fans informed about El Cangri's Career. We never thought about making it this far. We will always be supporting Daddy Yankee: The Big Boss! and THANKS to all of our Fan Club members for being the greatest people ever!!Discography:


Talento de Barrio

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Posted by The Official Fan Club: LCDY call DY305-432-9902 on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 05:30:00 PST

Let’s Keep Calling Let’s Make it 1 .. We Moving Up "POSE "

Daddy Yankee Movie Release And Sound Track !!! Talento De Barrio!! Vote For "Pose" Song & Video!! EL SOUNDTRACK DE LA PELICULA ESTARA A LA VENTA EL 12 DE AGOSTO Y EL ESTRENO DE LA PELICULA SERA ...
Posted by The Official Fan Club: LCDY call DY305-432-9902 on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 05:25:00 PST

Find and buy Calibash Tickets at the STAPLES Center Tickets at Get your tickets now at or at any ticket master outlet after July 5th! Daddy Yankee will be one of the many performing guests...
Posted by The Official Fan Club: LCDY call DY305-432-9902 on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 11:08:00 PST


  BUY NOW!!! VISIT TICKETMASTER: ARE THE US TOUR DATES LISTED Fri, 08/31/0708:00 PM Allstate ArenaRosemont, IL Fri, 09/07/0708:00 PM Madison Square Ga...
Posted by The Official Fan Club: LCDY call DY305-432-9902 on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 05:15:00 PST


  Yes, thats right, this is your chance to meet Daddy Yankee himself, where he will be meeting fans and signing copies of his new record The Big Boss.Puerto RicoMonday, June 4th - 4PMJose Miguel ...
Posted by The Official Fan Club: LCDY call DY305-432-9902 on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 07:09:00 PST

digan NO a la pirateria! El Cartel: The Big Boss

por favor no piraten el nuevo album de Daddy Yankee no lo bajen de esos websites. si en verdad son fans del cangri y lo quieren apoyar no piraten El Cartel. recuerden que el album saldra a la vente el...
Posted by The Official Fan Club: LCDY call DY305-432-9902 on Fri, 25 May 2007 03:42:00 PST

want to buy the official t-shirt of LCDY/ Quieres comprar la camisa oficial de LCDY

  please send an e-mail to: envia un e-mail a: with your name, age, location and t-shirt size! con tu nombre, edad, localizacion y talla de la t-shirt!  &nb...
Posted by The Official Fan Club: LCDY call DY305-432-9902 on Fri, 25 May 2007 05:43:00 PST

Pre-Order Daddy Yankee's Summer Tour Tickets Now

  Tickets To Daddy Yankee's Summer Tour Available For Pre-Order Exclusively From iTunes And Ticketmaster Daddy YankeeInterscope Records today announced that Reggaeton's first platinum-certified s...
Posted by The Official Fan Club: LCDY call DY305-432-9902 on Wed, 16 May 2007 11:01:00 PST

Daddy Yankee Tour Dates 2007

These are some of the possible Tour Dates for Daddy Yankee's upcoming Concerts.  These dates have not yet been confirmed. We will let you guys know once El Cartel Records informs us.ThanksEsta es...
Posted by The Official Fan Club: LCDY call DY305-432-9902 on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 09:01:00 PST


Posted by The Official Fan Club: LCDY call DY305-432-9902 on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 02:09:00 PST