Press Release
With the new release of "American Angel", Angel Butler has tugged at the heart strings of the world. The title song of the CD, "American Angel", depicts her life story. First living life doing the same thing day after day, wanting for something more, she escapes from the monotony and embarks on a journey with the US military, never fully realizing what her purpose was until she becomes one of their ranks and rides side by side with some of the greatest men and women in the world. The ending of the song reveals that all along God let her come to earth as the gift of Liberty given to the US so that she could experience the life that he intended for all. The lyrics clearly state, "Heaven's missing an Angel, and her name is liberty".
During her initial training, she was injured seriously, but never quit, never gave up and proved to all around her that it took heart to go on and overcome. Through trials and much pain, Angel went on to complete the requirements set forth by the US army and excelled in everything she did.
Away from her three children for a period of over a year, she often wondered if she had done the right thing and continued to write expressing the way she thought her children had to feel having not seen her. Having so little contact with her family during this time, the song, "The Sandbox" was written. It talks about a small child playing in a park, sifting through sand day after day looking for her dad but never finding him. He told her he was in the sandbox and had mentioned a Bradley and a Blackhawk but she had no idea of what that really meant.
Angel has put into song, what it is so hard for most to put into words. Five of the tracks on the album were written from the viewpoint of a soldier and upon listening to them; they will move your very being.
Currently, an American soldier in the US Army, Angel serves as a combat medic. She was performing prior to enlistment and doing nightly shows for the troops in Iraq via satellite from the studio and had a change of heart about what she was doing with her life. She put her music career on hold to live out her own destiny as a soldier, saving lives.
As her tour of duty soon will come to an end, she has embarked once again on yet another journey… a new outlook on life that is heard in her music with an astounding flair. This change has not come easily and she has paid many prices along the way, however, out of it all, she has been rewarded in many ways. At present, the album is available places such as,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and many others. Being sold world wide, it is also gaining airplay across the US, Australia and Europe.
You can hear some of the tracks on her artist pages, , and Many well known people came together to produce this CD and everyone is very happy with the end results.Look to see much more of Angel Butler in the music headlines across the nation as she continues to "save lives, one song at a time".
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