Evoking Desolation started out as a weekly jam session between Jordan and Miles around January of 2002. Only in the past year and a half however has the band been seriously writing music. The duo strives to combine an aggressive melodic death style along the lines of At the Gates with melancholic clean guitar work in the vein of Agalloch.
Evoking Desolation is desperately seeking a drummer, bassist and vocalist, so if you are in the Kitchener/Waterloo/Cambridge area and are interested in forming a melodic death metal band, please do not hesitate to contact us via Myspace or email:
[email protected]
The song(s) posted on this page are original and recorded on Miles' shitty computer, we hope you enjoy them.
-Evoking DesolationI edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
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