Hello there viewers, Im Christopher Robert not to be confused with Christopher Robin from Winnie the pooh, and yes I was teased with that when I was a kid. Hardy har har. But you can call me Chris, Topher or Fletch( name given to me in High School as well as Squirrel face). Any Hoo I was born and raised here in Orlando Florida "The Sunshine state". I have resided here for 22 years of my life so far, and haven't moved since. I am a mix of Sicilian, Irish and German. Not bad huh, that makes me one cute fellow. I'm an artist and i have been drawing since I was 3 yrs. old. I am short but that's no problem. Im a lefty, technically ambidextrous-meaning I can use both hands with equal operation. And I do martial arts-capoeira.Get your layout at PimpMySpaceCodes.net
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