Victoria was caught having sex!
In the middle of the act, caught in the throes of passion in the bathroom ... you've been caught by Charles Bronson!
'Where Will You be Caught Having Sex?' at
Victoria --
A perma-orgasm
'How will you be defined in the sexual dictionary?' at
Location of Death:
Garfield, NJ
Date of Death:
2/4/2038 8:21:42 AM
Last Person Called:
Last Number Dialed:
(479) 330-823*
Autoposy Performed:
Date of Autoposy:
2/4/2038 8:21:42 AM
Cause of Death:
See your own death.
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Angel Dust
People Iced: None. Pathetic.
Car Bombs Planted: Eight
Favorite Weapon Curdled Milk
Arms Broken: Twenty Two
Eyes Gouged: Twenty Six
Tongues Cut Off: Four
Biggest Enemy: Buck-Eyed Bart
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??Which colour of Death is yours??
GREEN, Your death's colour is Green. Death of the mind. Your heart is isolated within your mind. You seek knowledge. You are very rare.
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Jesus, Art Alexakis, Mozart, Frederic Chopin, Dalton Trumbo and Gwen Stefani, all in that order. I'm pretty sure there's a lot more. Those are just the ones I consistently think about.
Your Kissing Purity Score: 29% Pure
You're not one to kiss and tell...
But word is, you kiss pretty well.
Kissing Purity Test
Exotic Dancer Name Is...
Exotic Dancer Name Generator
Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
You are a goddess!
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