"Great Prices and Professional Recommendations" is the motto. Although most sales are made through linked affiliate vendors, Harmonica Store.com carries and ships out some products like t-shirts. The pro recommendations are honest and help you weed out the redundant and less useful harmonica-related products."
"Buy Hohner and Lee Oskar harmonicas, chromatic harmonicas, instruction, song books, CDs, harmonica mics, amps, instruction, tab books, guitars, harmonica cases, studio gear, band instruments, keyboards, melodicas, and much more."
Click to visit Harmonica Store.com
Pickup Dave Gage's newest rock-blues release (samples above), 'Love You Just The Same' CD . The Dave Gage website also features a full biography, available CDs, and streaming sound files. "His technique of 'tongue-switching' is the closest you will find, to duplicating on harmonica, the guitar playing style of 'tapping' (a la Eddie Van Halen)."
Check out Harmonica Lessons.com, the largest and most visited harmonica website in the world which includes both free and members areas. Dave Gage constructed it in 1999 as an off-shoot of the ever growing popularity of the instruction and information found at Dave Gage.com .
Harmonica Lessons.com contains over 450 pages of instruction and information that include basic blues harp and advanced playing techniques. Plus: theory, basic blues harp improv, games, jam-to MIDI files, riffs and scales, chromatic harmonica, MP3 sound files, graphics, photos, and the "Tip of the Day".Harmonica Lessons.com Membership Features:
- 525 pages of Info and Instruction- Everything you need to learn or improve on this website.
Beginners thru Advanced- Information and instruction for all levels.
Tabs & Songs section- Includes 175 of the most popular and requested tabs and songs anywhere. Stop buying books.
Discussion Forums- Can't find or afford a teacher? Besides our instruction, use the Members Discussion Forums for help and MP3 playing critiques by Dave.
Theory section- Harmonica and music theory.
Mics and Amps section- what to look for and how to use them.
Repair and Maintenance section- "do-it-yourself" info
CDs: Song Keys- Over 90 CDs and DVDs keyed. Great for jamming to.
Bending, Single Note, Hand Effects, and Breathing sections- In-depth technique instruction complete with illustrations, graphs, and sounds.
Harmonica Lessons.com SAMPLES and FREE STUFF !!