♥♥kRiStY♥♥ profile picture


~*~DitZy iS nOt KnOwInG. DiTzY is HaVinG tHe cOuRaGe To AsK! DitZy iS nOt EdiTiNg YoUrSelF!~*~

About Me

Provided by HerMySpace.com HeY I'm kRiSty
WeLL I Am 21 yEaRs oLd
I DrIve A NiSsAn PulSaR, 2003 MoDel
I LiVe SoUtH EaSt Of MelBoUrNe
My FaVe CoLoUr Is PiNk & PuRpLe
WeLL iM fUn To Be ArOuNd
I'm A vEry DiTzy PerSoN
But At LeAst I mAkE pEoPle LaUgH
I'm An EaSy GoInG pErSoN, WhO jUst GoEs WitH tHe FlOw
I cAn Be Shy At FiRsT
bUt OnCe U GeT tO KnOw Me I NeVer ShUt Up
I sOmEtiMes CoMe Off BiTcHy..But Its PrObErLy Cuz I DoNt LiKe U!
The PeOpLe I LuV In ArE:
My family
I Have 2 OlDeR BrOtHeRs AnD 1 OlDeR SiStEr
ThEre Is A HuGe GaP Of 15 Years BetWeeN Me AnD My BrOtHer
So ThAt MaKeS Me ThE BaBy OnE Of ThE FaMiLy
A LoT Of PeOpLe HaVe ThOuGht I Was ThE OnLy Child
BuT ThEy ArE WrOnG
My Close Friends
I HaVe A GrEaT BoyFriEnD MiCk WhO I LoVe HeAps
We HaVe BeeN ToGeThEr FoR 4 YeArs Now
We ArE ExpEcTiNg To GeT A HouSe By NeXt YeAr
In My SpAre TiMe i LiKe To SiNg aNd DaNce..It KeEpS mE sAnE
I LuV gOiNg To tHe bEaCh aNd TrY To GeT A tAn
PlUs I LiKe ShOpPiNg aNd GoiNg To tHe MoViEs aNd ChiLL WiTh FriEnDs
Goerge Taylor (13th October 1944 - 12th April 2007)
Its been a few weeks
and over time this scar will heal
but right now its wide open
and i don't know how to deal
you were torn from my life
so soon in my years
but i love you with all my heart
and through all my tears
I'm sorry you wont be there
to see all of us grow
but believe me ill think of you
during the high and the low
I'm sorry i didn't get to see u much
I hope u heard me say goodbye
there are so many memories
so many simple reminders everyday
i love you i hope you know it
because if you do, everything will be OK
you are dearly missed
and you are loved by all
but when i saw you lying there
to me you looked so small
this wasn't supposed to happen
you were supposed to be there
i needed you
i needed you to know that i care
you were going to be at my wedding.
To give me away on my wedding day
and for the birth of my first child
you were going to be the best Grandpa
I know it because your a great grandpa to 4 other kids
But i wish you got to see my kids grow
and you were going to make them all smile
but now your gone
and you aren't here anymore
i don't want to be sad
i don't want to have to close your door
why did you have to leave
why did god take you away
we needed you here
didn't he know we needed you to stay
I will always luv u Dad and there wont be a day where i wont think of u.
R.I.P Dad!!!
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My Interests

Provided by HerMySpace.com
*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:

Name: Kristy
Date of Birth: 20th August 1985
Birthplace: Melbourne
Current Location: Cranny
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown with Blonde colour in it
Height: 5'4
Heritage: England, New Zealand
Piercings: Tongue, Nose, Belly and 2 pairs in my ears
Tattoos: none, but want one
Band/Singer: Eminem, Avril Lavigne, Cassie, and a few more
Song: At the moment it is (Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend)
Movie: Honey, Step up, Stomp the yard, Are we done yet, The Reaping, The Devil wears Prada, Bring it on - all or nothing and heaps more.
Disney Movie: Umm dont have one
TV show: Well it was the OC, so maybe Prison Break
Color: Pink and Purple
Food: Pasta
Pizza topping: Dont even like Pizza
Ice-Cream Flavor: Strawberry
Drink (alcoholic): Smirnoff or cruisers
Soda: Coke Zero
Store: not sure
Clothing Brand: not sure
Shoe Brand: Not sure
Season: Summer
Month: December
Holiday/Festival: Christmas
Flower: Roses
Make-Up Item: Lip Gloss
Board game: Not sure
This or That
Sunny or rainy: Sunny
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Fruit or veggie: Fruit
Night or day: Night
Sour or sweet: None
Love or money: Love but depends
Phone or in person: In person
Looks or personality: Both
Coffee or tea: none
Hot or cold: Cold
Goal for this year: To sort out my life
Most missed memory: My dad
Best physical feature: My stomach
First thought waking up: Do i have to get up now
Hypothetical personality disorder: no
Preferred type of plastic surgery: mmm
Sesame street alter ego: none
Fairytale alter ego: none
Most stupid remark: not sure
Worst crime: mmm
Greatest ambition: life
Greatest fear: Spiders
Darkest secret: Not telling thats why its a secret
Favorite subject: Cooking
Strangest received gift: not sur
Worst habit: Judging
Do You:
Smoke: Sometimes
Drink: Yes
Curse: Yes all the time
Shower daily: Yes of couse
Like thunderstorms: sort of
Dance in the rain: nope
Sing: Yes
Play an instrument: keybourd
Get along with your parents: sometimes
Wish on stars: no
Believe in fate: mmm not sure
Believe in love at first sight: no
Can You:
Drive: Yes
Sew: No
Cook: Yeh when i can be bothered
Speak another language: No
Dance: Yes
Sing: Yes
Touch your nose with your tongue: No
Whistle: Sort of, not really that good
Curl your tongue: sort of
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: Yeh heaps of times
Been Stoned/High: no
Eaten Sushi: No
Been in Love: Yes
Skipped school: Yeh a few times
Made prank calls: Yes
Sent someone a love letter: No
Stolen something: Yes
Cried yourself to sleep: Yeh recently
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? Them lying
Are you right or left handed? Right
What is your bedtime? Wheneva im tired which can be late
Name three things you can't live without: Money, mobile phone and my bf Michael
What is the color of your room? Biege
Do you have any siblings? Yeh 2 older brother and 1 older sister
Do you have any pets? Yeh 2 kittens
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? umm, nah i could never do that
What is you middle name? Lee
What are you nicknames? dont have one
Are you for or against gay marriage? dont really care
What are your thoughts on abortion? dont get me started, been through it and im still against it, if you are stupid to fall pregnant then you have to deal with it
Do you have a crush on anyone? only Love
Are you afraid of the dark? No
How do you want to die? Peacefully in my sleep when im old
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? 1
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? No
What is the last law you’ve broken? Speeding
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: Brown or blonde
Eye color: blue
Height Taller than me
Weight skinny
Most important physical feature: bottom
Biggest turn-off Fat, eating habits
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.comMySpace Layouts ....
Create your own Friend Quiz here..Extremely Brilliant - I'm Smarter than i always thought, but i guessed the questions, lol...
Myspace Tracker

I'd like to meet:

Jessica Alba


Im into everything really including Kelly Clarkson, pussycat dolls, Rogue Traders, The Veronicas, Cassie, Akon, Eminem, Chingy, Pink, Neyo, Beyonce, Rhianna, Evermore, plus heaps more. It depends on my mood but i do listen to a lot of R&B, Hiphop and some rap.
Provided by HerMySpace.com


honey & Mean Girls.


The OC, Neighbours, The Simpson,Rove live, NCIS, less than perfect, family guy.


Does Magazines Count
Provided by HerMySpace.com..


Jessica Alba she is an awesome Actress

My Blog

27 secrets about me (special edition lol)

  27 secrets about me (special edition lol) Current mood: Relaxed 27 secrets about me1.What does your Myspace Name Mean?Means my name is Kristy2. Elaborate on your default photo:It was a pic ...
Posted by ♥♥kRiStY♥♥ on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 11:01:00 PST

firsts next lasts

Body: NEXTs:1. Next person you'll kiss: . Mick 2. Next movie you want to see: Have no idea atm3. Next person you want to go party with: mmm not sure, but prob Crystal 5. Next time you're going ...
Posted by ♥♥kRiStY♥♥ on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 04:12:00 PST

mobile thingy

Grab your mobile.01. What is the phone maker?Motorola V302. What are the last 4 digits of your number?275603. What does the 2nd message down in your inbox say?oh yeah glad all my xmas stuff is a...
Posted by ♥♥kRiStY♥♥ on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 04:32:00 PST

My Fave Quotes

"~*~DitZy iS nOt KnOwInG. DiTzY is HaVinG tHe cOuRaGe To AsK! DitZy iS nOt EdiTiNg YoUrSelF!~*~"...
Posted by ♥♥kRiStY♥♥ on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 03:00:00 PST