So theres not much that i can say about myself so lets just say my name and date, along with other things you need to know
Im Austin
Also known as Astin Bacon or Austin Ascendancy
i will be 16 December 28
One Day i will be a legend and when that day comes I will proudly stand on top of the world and smile. I refuse to give up until that Day comes. Most people call that a dream but i already have my dream come true, and we're going to get married one day and I will make sure of it!
Now to show you the person that makes my life so enjoyable!
Corey Lynn Thomas, my life, my love, my everything, and most of all my one day to be wife! So if you are a chick that wants me, a chick that is in love with me, im sorry to say but its not going to happen. You can flirt but doesn't mean that I have feelings for you. I have my one and only. All of those times i thought i was in love it was a lie. This is love, the feelings that i had before were just my emotions playing around. I DO NOT want to be with any other girl. She is my dream girl, she is the only person that can make me feel like I'm flying, The only one that can make me smile and laugh on those dark dark days. I love so many people, i say a lot of things about people, and most of the time that's true what i say, but as of right now and even passed my day I'm not interested in being with anyone else. I do not live the best life, i have trouble making it through my days but it'll all be worth it in the end when shes laying on my bedside. I NEVER Want this feeling to end. And I will do everything in my power to make sure it doesn't I Love You so much Corey, and one day we'll live in a big house, anywhere you want, and have a nice great family! <3 1-14-08 Forever and AlwaysGet to know me.... i have seen struggles, I've lived struggles, I've pulled people out of them, and fought the world for my friends...