Gemini Man
When asked about his hundreds of failed attempts at making a
light bulb, this simple man offered a simple reply; I have not
failed 700 times. I have not failed once. I have succeeded in
proving that those 700 ways will not work. When i have
eliminated the ways that will not work, i will find the way
that will....Thomas Edison!
This powerful statement from this great inventor have always
inspired me. But, My life was invigorated and changed forever by
a mystic lady who suddenly appeared and offered me advice.
She said Son, consider music, in the next 18 months your life
will change.
She was right within eighteen months i created an object out of
oven baked clay. When i blew into it melodious sounds came out.
Well, The Mystic Note is developed now. After all of my set-backs,
headaches, ups and downs and turn a rounds... i am hyped,
ready for whatever come !
It have taken at least 500 prototypes, plus 20 years to develop. For more
info on this fascinating true story