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“Tell her so”Amid the cares of married strife In spite if tikk and business life If you value your dear wife … Tell her soWhen days are dark and deeply blue She has her troubles, same as you Show her that your love is true… Tell her soDon’t act as if she’s past her prime As tho’ to please her were a crime If ever you loved her, now’s the time …Tell her soShe’ll return for each caress A hundred fold of tenderness Hearts like hers were made to bless;… Tell her soYou are hers and hers alone; Well you know she’s all your own; Don’t wait to carve it on stone-… Tell her soNever let her heart grow cold Richer beauties will unfold She is worth the weight in gold -… Tell her soBy Emmanuel Milton 08/25/08..

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“Minutes of Gold”Two or three minutes- two or three hours, What do they mean in this life of ours?Not very much of but counted as time, But minutes of gold and hours sublime,If only we’ll use them once in a while, To make someone happy- make someone smile.A minute may dry little boy’s tears, An hour sweep aside trouble of years.Minutes of my time may bring to an end, Hopelessness Somewhere, and bring me a friend
“Eraser”Erasers are the nicest things! Of that there is no doubt. We write wrong words a few quick swipes- And big mistakes fade out. And you will find erasers, Of a very different kind, Extremely helpful if you will try, To bear these facts in mind: When you bump someone in a crowd, And almost knock her down, A soft “I SORRY” may bring a smile And rub out that old frown Apologies, invariably, Obliterated mistakes; And three small words” I LOVE YOU!” Can erase the worst heartaches.By Emmanuel Milton 08/27/08

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