Scotty profile picture


A Real Gone Cat Named Scotty

About Me

A Real Gone Cat Named Scotty...
I consider myself an all around good guy. I Like to have fun, but I work hard too & I also appreciate the things I have in life. I've got a great job, an awesome apartment, a supportive family, an amazing wife(HoT ToO), & some damb cool friends.
See my specs for interests & stuff. Keep reading for the whole story simplified.
Born & raised in New Bedford, MA. I've done time in Acushnet, MA during the late 1980's when I attended Fairhaven High School. I've also spent a considerable amount of time in Rhode Island, post High School, during college & there after; East Greenwich, Narragansett, Jamestown, & North Kingstown. Moved to Colorado in 2003. Have occupied residence in Boulder and most recently Longmont. I work for the man at a world leading Biopharmaceutical company & have 3 days off a week to party or work on, my out of work projects. Dig snowboarding, dancing to new wave & goth music, & I enjoy 1950s music, fashion, & culture. I try to make time to noodle on my guitar, but just doin' it primarily for fun these days. Over the years I've enjoyed playing various instruments in various bands. A few of the most recent bands include "The Young Ones" & my solo project "Screamin' Scotty." For more info. on these bands check out the following links.
Yours Truly,
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Rockabilly music & 50s era goodies, Vintage musical Equipment, Live music, Surfing, Snowboarding, etc...

I'd like to meet:

Please read before submitting a friends request: I do not collect friends for show & tell. I primarily maintain this profile to keep in contact with close family & freinds who also frequent MySpace. Unfortunetly, I don't check this profile too often. I encourage friends & family who need to conatct me with urget issues or concerns email or call. Please note: I do not add bands or businesses as a general rule (w/ a few exceptions: You are not an exception). Thanks


1950s era Country, Pop, Rock, Doo Wop, Western Swing & a random assortment of other ear pleasing tunage.



Hot Rod Gang - Rock Baby, Rock It - Carnival Rock - I Was A Teenage Werewolf - Arsenic and Old Lace - 40 YO Virgin - Team America - Office Space50s B-Horror or Teen Flicks
John Waters Films
Tim Burton Movies
& Anything w/ John Cusack


The Office - CSI; Miami


Currently thumbing through some college text while in the process of completing my degree.


My wife Donna, My Mom, My Dad, & folks who pursue their dreams without stepping on the people around them.