Prayer changes things! I firmly believe that and am happy to pray for anyone who has a need, just message me if you would like me to add you to my prayer list! Prayer is the one time that I feel that I am alone with my Father and it fills my heart with joy to be able to spend that time with Him as one of my goals is to daily walk closer with Him.Other than my need to become more intimate with the Lord, there really is nothing too exciting here. I'm a happily married Mom of 3--Alex (13), Andrew (9), and Lanah (2 going on 20). I live in the 'burbs of Memphis with my husband, kids and our dog, Gus and cat, Meowth. Ohhhh, I forgot about my 4th "child," can view him in the photo album. He's Andrew's right hand man and has been in our family for over 4 years. He has tons of sibs too...super plank, spy plank, mom plank, dad plank, army plank, csi plank, artist plank....this list is eternal. Andrew is an Aspie meaning he has Asperger's Syndrome, which is on the Autism Spectrum.Dave, my husband, and his brother own their own business and I teach in our county. My classroom is the only one of its kind. It's called the Total Communication preschool classroom and was originally setup for Deaf kiddos who sign but now I have grown and have kids with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Apraxia, and a couple with Developmental Delays as well. I also have 3 typicals that keep me and Lee Ann on our toes. Lee Ann is my assistant and my right arm! We have been together for 4 years, the last three in the TC preschool class and I'd be lost without her!! We even each other out, to say the least.Other things about me? I can't wait to have Bush outta the office, even though my dear husband is a republican (I promise he's not a bad person;)). We don't have much in common except the kids and each other. Oh and he's very tolerable of my shopping addictions and even likes to go on couponing dates with me! My other "job" is that of English professor, and here lately photography apprentice...LOL..just ask my neice Jessica! Thank goodness she's almost finished with her core subjects!We attend church at Colonial Hills Church and our small group is a major part of our lives. They are our extended family which makes being 4 hours from my family more bearable. They are the most incredible group of people anyone could ever meet!Ohhhh....and obviously, I am a Delta Zeta. Thank you, Jippy Jou, for my cute layout!
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