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I am here for Friends

About Me

Originally from St.Albans, educated in Liverpool, and now living in my little flat in East London. I work nearby at a local printers. My main interests apart from my girlfriend, friends, and alcohol problem, are drum and bass and housework.
I play every sunday early afternoon 12 - 2 on rude fm 88.2 and co-promote a night called drum club with my friends Lady Free and DJ Quantize. We do one off parties such as the boat party down the Thames every year and run the drum and bass arm of bloom festival.
I have been djin since 1995 and can just about put 2 tunes together now. I play deep, atmospheric drum and bass, in my play list at the moment are tunes by furney, survival, sabre, calibre, kubiks, bcee and lomax, dbridge, fierce, paul t, deep inc.
Working with Paul t we have an upcoming record label project featuring some of the artists listed above. Watch out for Revival Records coming soon. // //

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