My personality? I'd have to say I'm much more Latin American than US American. I prefer a lazy day in the sun with friends and pets than the fast-paced, mobile phone rendezvous-filled one we commonly live here.Summer has been *super* relaxing, but it's time to get back into the routine of helping our country's kids see what they can become. New HS job in DPS this year... I'm stoked!
Actually reminds me of some sort of bodily fluid mixture... YUK! Posted by on Mon, 25 Apr 2005 20:11:00 GMT
Rainy day doing nothing
Wow, my first post on this blog. I should really say something about that crazy christian wedding yesterday, but I'll be nice. It's always such a nice feeling to be in that ever-dwindling group of bat... Posted by on Sun, 24 Apr 2005 21:05:00 GMT