Garner profile picture


All out of witty one-liners....

About Me

I'm about 6.2 and run on highly refined bits of chicken. (courtesy of Chick Filet). I'm nerdy as hell, but I don't burn in the sun. After a bad stint with a blender, I found the cure for the common cold. Turns out chicken noodle smoothies will fix you right up. As for what I look like I've included a brief sketch:
See ---- for more information.
Sometimes I pretend I'm a photographer .
-I consider sarcasm and satyr two separate food groups-
-I spell worse than Canadians (Sorry Canada)-
-Sometimes I feel like an old man-
-Sometimes I feel like a giant boy-
-I love long showers-
-I love even longer naps-
-I loathe voicemail-
-Fall is my favorite season-
-Pancakes make me happy-
-I want to be understood-
-I'm happy enough being me-
-I'm unhappy being a duck-
-I like wearing tennis shoes-
-I'm kinda lazy-
-So I wear flip flops instead-
-I shower almost compulsively-
-My beard is the source of my powers-
-I am afraid of spiders-
-Tea (of all kinds) is delicious-
-Spiders are not afraid of me-
-I believe a good smoothie can evan out a bad day-
-I always call tails in a coin toss-
- I happen to love board games-
-When Pam and Jim kissed I was giddy-
-Sticks are both brown and sticky-
-I'm bunt, mostly to my detriment-
-I own a word a day calendar-
-It doesn't make me feel smarter-
-But appearently it makes sound like an ass in day to day conversation-
-Todays word is Quixotic-
-I had the chicken pox when I was 17-
-I'm subtle, mostly to my detriment-
-My vocabulary is a plethora of flavor-
-Not really-
-When I'm drunk I'm philosophical-
-Sometimes I think too much-
-I'm philosophical while sober too-
-Green is my favorite color-
-Don't tell Orange I said that though-
-Or yellow-
-I don't get enough sleep-
-I sleep too much-
-I try to know a little bit about everything-
-Even lizzards-
-Go ahead, ask me-
-I learned how to cook out of despration-
-Sometimes I contradict myself-
-No such thing as an old joke-
-There are plenty of new audiences-
-I consider my self artistic-
-Sometime autistic-
-I write short stories all the time-
-Still too afaid to show anyone though-
-Devan, Chris, and Ben are my best friends-
-I love them all dearly-
-But not enough to rub coco butter on their backs-
-I'm kind of a dork-
-But only after the sun goes down-
-And sometimes when it comes up again-
-Did I mention that I'm a photographer? -
-I value cute over pretty-
-If that makes any sence-
-If you want to learn more about Garner-
-You will need to sign up for the weekly newsletter-

My Interests

Trapdoors, Design, Designing Trapdoors, Photography, Music, Art, Rocket Skates, Tatoos, Retro Modern Furniture, Bottles, Movies, Mid-Night Capers, Short Stories, Philosophy, X Box, Reading/Writing, Girls w/o Make-up, Cooking Naked

I'd like to meet:

-Clones of myself.

-The Pope (he might let me try on his hat.)

-Versions of me sent from the future.

-Edward Flaun (The misguided chef and inventer of the sic goop known as flaun.)

-Anyone who actully laughed at this.

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4


I'm a glutton for music. Though its too long and awkard to list all the bands I listen to. So instead here are the genres I won't bother with:






Fight Club, Seven, Sin City, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill I&II, Reservoir Dogs, Jackie Brown, The Lady Killers, Gatica, Eternal Sunshine, Apocolyps Now, Anchor Man, 40 Year Old Virgin, Team America (Fuck Yeah), Lock Stock Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Layer Cake, more to come when I remember.


I'm not sure when or how, but I've developed an unhealthy craving for prime time drama full of clever lawyers, rebel doctors and and ever failing prison escapes.


Prison Break

Daily Show

Adult Swim

Food Network


Currently Reading: To Kill a Mocking Bird
Ayn Rand- Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, We the Living
Kurt Vonnegut- Time Quake, Slaughter House 5, Blue Beard, Deadeye Dick, Breakfast of Champions
Chuck Palahniuk- Fight Club, Invisible Monsters, Choke, Survivor, Lulliby, Diary, Haunted, Stabger than Fiction
Margaret Atwood- Oryx and Crake, Silent Assasin
Stephin King- Dark Tower
Jeffrey Eugenides- Middlesex
Amy Hempell- Reasons to Live, Tumble Home
Nick Hornby- A Long Way Down
Joseph Conrad- Heart of Darkness
Tom Robins: Jitterbug Perfume
Neil Gaiman- American Gods, Sandman
Tim O'Brian- Things They Carried, July,July
Joseph Heller- Catch 22
Sylvia Plath- The Bell Jar
E.E. Cummings
F. Scott Fitzgerald- The Great Gatsby, This Side Of Paradise
Non-Fiction- Lies My Teacher Told Me, Think, Guns Germs and Steel



My Blog

Famous Pictures of Naked People

Just so you know, a diary is a personal thing. You can't just go broadcasting with your most personal thoughts and badly drawn pictures. First off people don't know how to deal with that kind of hones...
Posted by Garner on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 09:59:00 PST

Too much this time

Sometimes it's nice to post how you really feel.   Breath it all in. Breath in your hate, your guilt, breath in the stench of bitterness. Let the smell in unfiltered though your mouth. The stench...
Posted by Garner on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 09:04:00 PST

Survey Says

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:Charles (Garner) DurantBirthday:May 17 1986Birthplace:Fort Worth, TxCurrent Location:Granbury TxEye Color:Dark BrownHair Color:Dark BrownHeight:6'3"Right Handed...
Posted by Garner on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 10:46:00 PST

Lies My Teacher Told Me (Rough)

They lie to you in hopes youll be normal. They lie to you because you are not ready for the world at large. They lie to you in hopes that you will learn the truth about things. But here I am at the ag...
Posted by Garner on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 09:20:00 PST

How to be Emo

How to be Emo in just 3 easy steps 1. (optional) Stare at the sun until you go colorblind. It will be easier to loose all sence of fation that way 2. Lower standards/ Loose ambition. 3. Whine Warning:...
Posted by Garner on Fri, 05 May 2006 01:53:00 PST

ugh.... i was tagged...

I've Been TaggedSo the rules are, once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 6 weird things/habits about yourself. In the end you need to list 6 other people to tag and list their names. Do...
Posted by Garner on Wed, 03 May 2006 09:50:00 PST

Results are in

You scored as Philosophy. You should be a Philosophy major! Like the Philosopher, you are contemplative and you enjoy thinking about the purpose for humanity's existence.Philosophy100%Journalism100%E...
Posted by Garner on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 01:46:00 PST

Late night conjecture

Below is a response to one of my brothers blogs. I'm posting it because I find it hard to convey these ideas when I need too. Also, I'm promoting you check out Bently's blog at http://www.arbyafterthe...
Posted by Garner on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 11:33:00 PST

A kinda special day

Your 19th birthda may only happen once, but it's about as special as when Sir Thomas Abecket decided that he like salmon better than trout.
Posted by Garner on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Boyscouts = cash

Alight I know this is crazy, but hear me out. I was thinking about this in economics. Nobody buys a swiss army pocket knife because they think that they'll use it. In all honesty who finds their self ...
Posted by Garner on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST